
We’re big fans of Tsuro and Exploding Kittens in our household, though You Have Crabs didn’t really take with us. Bears vs. Babies (from the same minds that brought us Kittens and Crabs) is another fun one.

I, too, enjoyed the emptiness of the 401 during lockdown and will gladly take the toll hit of the 407 if my travels simply require getting to the other side of the one-testicle town. Unfortunately, if the universe requires I go into the heart of darkness downtown TO, I’m damned to be stuck using the 401

I see you’re familiar with Ontario’s Highway 401!

So, did you have a terrible experience (or series of experiences) with a therapist or are you just firing off an opinion based on a whole lot of nothing?

Side bar: while getting away from highly processed foods and items with added sugars is as close to a broadly absolute rule as you can get when it comes to eating healthy, the specifics - similar to a healthy approach to fitness - are highly individualized; fruits and vegetables of all colors”, as an example, can be

After growing up with parents and grandparents that smoked, they’re a “never smoker” of any kind save for once with a joint and going into a coughing fit that would have been funny were it not so painful

While not advertised on the menu, it’s been super simple to order just beef patties at McDonalds and Burger Kings for years now (at least up here in Canuckistan) with no confused looks from the underpaid and overworked kid at the counter. The only thing that I’ve had to clarify on occasion is to have them all put in a

For what it’s worth, my spouse uses gel caps and oils as vaping any flower causes them go into coughing fits too. 

I vape daily in the same fashion (dried flower in a Pax pen) but, other than from a few strains with particularly powerful terpenes, I don’t ever get any throat irritation or cough.

The Swamps of Sadness scene crushed me. As a kid who was bullied, so much of that movie was heavy to watch but I still loved it and watched it many times (each time hoping that Falkor would eat those little fucking bastards instead of just chasing them down the alley)

my spouse and I were talking about The Peanut Butter Solution earlier this week — no one else we know seems to know it exists!

My high schoolers wanted to re-watch Winnie The Pooh with me a few weeks back (these are indeed strange days...) and as I was humming along to this particular scene I realized I really need to watch it again but this time an hour or so after enjoying a nice sativa

It scarred two of my brothers but I was completely enthralled by the scene

I’d be okay with strapping a helmetless Elon Musk into a red convertible and launching it into orbit.

As much as I quite like the AT, I can only imagine how much more this kind of set-up would add to the already too hefty for my wallet price tag. Would be a good rig for exploring off-shoots while doing the Trans-Quebec-Labrador loop though.


Adding this to my “should I win the lotto this week, I will buy...” list

That escalated and played through like a Grand Theft Auto mission gone wrong