
It was essentially a CFL game. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

That delightfully unnecessary spinnerama is 25-years-ago me playing NHL 93, all game, every game

System Shock 2 scared the bejeezus out of me more than any game I’ve played including many others in that list. Between staying up far later than sane to keep playing (resulting in being mostly useless the next day) and regularly waking the missus up with my pathetic shrieking while playing in the wee hours of the

Nice write-up; thanks Andrew. As someone who misses Lanesplitter, my fingers are crossed to see some more motozoom coverage (four wheels good, two wheels better and all that).

I laughed, knowingly; thank you, Drew.

Now playing

The only thing that stuck with me from Forget Paris:

I don’t care for mega-farmed foods, be they flora or fauna. I don’t care for the way mega-farm animals are often treated and I don’t care for pesticide consumption, however small the individual amounts may be. Given the amount of chemical garbage we’re exposed to daily, choosing to limit where I can matters to me. What

I’ll politely disagree with you while at the same time conceding that “organic” is a terrible broad stroke label to use in the first place as it means different things to different people/companies/countries. Here’s a good read/explainer, if you have the time, for why we buy what we do: http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/engl

Food is the most costly part of our family’s budget: my partner, my teenagers, and myself are all ridiculously active with associated healthy appetites and all have dietary allergies and significant health related dietary restrictions which means the food bill in a given month is more than our mortgage payments. We

Come again?

Absolutely, yes. Especially on wide, long, and straight residential streets in and out of my neighborhood. Some days - or during certain times of the day when even stricter speed limits are mandated - I’ll even set the cruise while in 3rd or 4th to keep under the limit.

Since I do most of my lifting in my own home gym, I built a simple mini bar jack out of inexpensive galvanized pipe which is kept just off to the side of my platform. Cheap, lazy afternoon DIY project and it’s handled a bar loaded up to 505 lb without any issues.

My review from Friday’s opening night extravaganza: if you like your cinematic movie violence to be gloriously spectacular, brutal and in copious amounts, you will enjoy John Wick Chapter 2 which takes the copious amounts of gloriously spectacular and brutal violence of the first John Wick movie and makes more of it

Can’t watch the video right now so apologies if this point is covered in it. There’s a world of difference between consuming THC and CBD, the other active ingredient in pot, and the varying levels of each from strain to strain. While I wouldn’t dream of taking in some that’s high (hehheh) in THC - that hits the head

A more fun way to cue the position I mentioned in a reply to your deadlift article from earlier this month - cheers!

I’m not a stickler at all about keeping the knee directly over the ankle in a lunge or preventing knees from jutting past toes in a solid, deep squat (because they kinda have to jut past if you’re actually in a solid, deep squat with good postural alignment) but I will say that the person on the left in the lead image

An additional set-up cue which I use with my athletes and one I didn’t see noted in the article above is to draw the shoulders back (good posture) and engage those big upper back muscles while putting tension in the bar before the actual pull. I’ve found it really helps with keeping the back/spine safely aligned and