
Those are feminist concepts. There are both social constructs that favour females over males and ones that favour males over females. All of these should be abolished. Feminism, however, has some anti-male stances and I simply cannot support that, no matter how much I am for gender equality or equality in general.

Please explain to me how your argument goes. If it's rational you should be able to convince me.

That's like saying being opposed to the KKK in favour of race equality does not compute.

To me saying you are feminist because you are for gender equality is akin to saying you are in the KKK or the New Black Panther Party because you support race equality. I do so because of feminist concepts like rape culture and the patriarchy.

Okay, please explain the difference to me. Last time I checked non-white people made up about 20% of the US population. Where's the false equivalency?

I was going to accuse people that advocate this of being child molesters, but then I remembered that was no actual argument but just poisoning the well with unsubstantiated accusations.

As a male who is opposed to feminism in favour of gender equality I ask you this: Does the lineup of presenters make you also feel like black people, hispanic or latino people, obese people, and disabled people were underrepresented or even discriminated against? I'm genuinely wondering about this.

Does the lineup of presenters make you also feel like black people, hispanic or latino people, obese people, and disabled people were underrepresented or even discriminated against? I'm genuinely wondering about this.

It was probably to demonstrate that she is less likely to be biased in favour of males. Better analogies would be her not being racist because she is black and not homophobic because she is homosexual. I'm not saying any of these strengthen an argument in any way though.

In German speaking countries it's called Ovomaltine, by the way.


People have. Be warned, it's worse than the worst fan-dub. The German Otacon especially pisses me off. He sounds like he doesn't even know what half the things he's saying mean.

It was fully dubbed and subbed with no option to change the language. MGS was the only Metal Gear game that got a dub, though.



Is this a subtle reference to the Bible and its interpretations?

Ice cream truck driver?

Even though I'm not importing much anymore, I can agree with that. I really wish Sony also allowed us to access the PS Stores of all regions with one account. Having to play Metal Gear Solid in German was a terrifying experience.

Nope, the Japanese 5th Generation Pokémon games have region-locking and DSi enhancement, yet they don't bear DSi on the box art. It's the same with MvDK:MLM!