
The article does not state that N Nash actually gives her hubby a BJ a day. It just says it is the way to keep the attorneys away and since they are still married, the assumption is that she does. Has it occurred to anyone that the "dutiful wife" just might be blowing smoke rather than blowing Mac Daddy?

Reread the article....nowhere in it does N Nash state that she gives hubby a BJ a day. She simply says a BJ a day keep the attorneys away. BTW, rather than blowing Mac Daddy she just might be blowing smoke!

Generally, I might agree with you but a man of character will not break his vows. There are a large number of people in the world who have disabilities or medical conditions that would make a BJ a day or even a month improbable. To think that a couple who is happy and who love each other will stray because they are

Slash.......that is the universal language for 'until they are not.' At least that is what I have learned rom a lifetime of cat scratches, blood and relentless itching. There have been times that I have enough band aids on my hands and arms to look like the victim of a tragic farming accident thanks to my sweet

I wonder what restaurant one goes to for kidnapped women for dinner. I bet it is not a very popular one. Yuck, yuck, and double yuck.

She seems to be really enjoying herself...but Jesus, "look at the chunks." Really? Disgusting.

My cats are the same.....always hungry. They are also always willing to let me pet them on the head...until they are not.

Does she ever have her tongue in her mouth ?

Awww, it is cute and was obviously hungry.

The power of groups (or gangs if you would prefer) and somebody with a really sick idea. It would be interesting to know if any single one of these people would have done this alone. Unfortunately, these parents will not take the measures they need to at home because they will all have four other people they can

those are comments that should be applied to kids in preschool when one kid tells another he doesn't want to be your friends because you are a girl, etc. not to young adults who obviously have no respect for another human being.

While I would love to agree with you, being the parent of an adult with autism, experience tells me that this happening to someone with autism with be the point that makes it acceptable to many people, albeit not publicly, but to their core group of like minded buds.

Keep in mind that I am probably the most non-sensitive person when it comes to crap like this or being called names, but the shirt is ugly as crap. It makes me think of all the government money wasted on efforts to encourage girls to enter the fields of science, math and technology and then the new PSA about

History shows us that it is quite difficult to stop oppression, permanent change typically requires the oppressed to stand up and refuse to be oppressed any longer. That being said, this type of stand comes when they believe that taking a stand will exult in change rather than further oppression.

Schilling continues to show his ass to the world.

I am curious how that is going to be included in the vows and even more anxious to see the Clergy's facial expression when he says, "to love, to perform orally with reckless abandon, ...." Oh I am sorry, there was no suggestion of enthusiasm or quality, just quantity. I need to jump on over to the things I loathe

But society looks at Vick as a jerk who has paid his debt to society and deserves a second chance. Domestic violence is unacceptable but a lot of guys I have talked to say, "jerk got fired. Done." Ladies say, "well she married him after that so apparently they worked it out." Teams have taken the cut the strings

I think you are right and I think teams have finally started to look at Return on Investment as a great deal more than what an athlete contributes to the game. These PR nightmares, fan outrage, advertisers bailing are killing the bottom line. Maybe this guy needs a remedial Character Counts class.

I am sorry if you took my comment to mean that your mMom is less than a good Mom. You commitment to the two children and your desire to have children would not make me think otherwise. What I should have done a better job of clarifying is that as she observes you all bond she will come around and she how important

it is a privilege some will never know and one some will walk away from, others will take for granted and others abuse. Sadly, it is not a welcome role for many women.