Welcome Shaq Kotter

Upvoted for bindlestiff. God bless you and thanks for the giggles. Me and my lame-o coworkers have a word-of-the-day and that will be the word tomorrow.

Who did John Oliver say looked like an eagle who hated Muslims?

Principal Skinner is the funny one.

Pedro is Spanish for Peter.

Last night I dreamt of some Pedro.

Speak for yourself!

Can you do that fast auctioneer talk?

American Kinja VI: The Kinja-aning.

Yes. Just not them.

Ask her Tomorrow.

But then Kimberly saved them at the last minute.

It's Bazinga time!

Just watch The Raid.

Ant-Man: Quit buggin' me, Buster!

Fuck yeah!

Never cared for them.

Can my sisters get a part?

Honey-living children's character?


Who's to blame?