Welcome Shaq Kotter

Right? No way Nicki Manaj moves fast enough to be in 3 places at once without the photo being at least a little blurry! They must have taken out the motion blur in post.

But none of her is on her phone...

I agree. There’s no way her areola are small enough to fit completely under those pasties.

“You mean ‘embellished’”

I’m seein’ triple here! Nine Nicki Minajes!

That was the newest tune from Punky Smurf & the Smurfed Kennedys!

Shitty toys packaged with mediocre candy?? Sounds like this generation’s finally got their own Cracker Jacks!

We could stand to thin out the herd a bit.

but the risk of choking makes it all the more thrilling

They’re not all death candys, some of them make your kids trans.

One of my favourite Dennis Hopper quotes is about when his son asked him why he made the Super Mario Bros movie. Hopper told his son “so I can afford to buy you shoes”, to which his son replied “I don’t need shoes that badly”.

A robot dog that has sex with people’s moms!?!?!? Are we going to outsource everything?!?!?

But the Daily Bugle and the New York Bulliten were both clearly paid off to give it 1 star.

A Swiss-army boxcutter would’ve been way more interesting.

Fake new, bro. The Daily Planet gave it 5 stars.

she’s standing RIGHT THERE in the photo

But that doesn’t fit the story trying to be told here.

If I can’t fondle a woman’s breasts and show her nude photos of other women I’m having sex with, then how will I know if she likes me?

I thought he was the the cackling monkey lizard thing that sat on Jabba the Hutt’s tail.