What’s your take on apples?
What’s your take on apples?
So I’m not particularly well versed with this situation, but what is the breakout of these workers who are students?
Having worked in higher education most of my career, I can tell you that the salaries for many of those “masters required” positions are so low because every time you have an opening, dozens upon dozens of people apply. I’m going to sound like a massive dick right now: It isn’t that hard to find someone who wants to…
I too worked as a custodian at a prestigeous northeastern university, only to get fired for using the chalkboard in the hallway of the lecture hall.
Unless you are in charge of the outdoor cookout that the university puts on. Then everyday is technically a picnic.
So as a counter-point, Im going to throw this out there. I work at a large university in Ohio (hint hint) and I love my job and love the university. The have recently worked very hard to give a large portion of the staff salary increases to bring us more in line with the market, and the environment I work in (Human…
Do you mean they haven’t won in 108 years?
“I could zoom right in and see the facial hair,”
You’re making this comment on a site that regularly asks its readers if they would fuck some random dude political/public figure. Usually played for laughs.
I dunno, some women do but at least this one was on their actual performance not the imagination of it.
what’s a triple lindy?
“The Triple Lindy,”
“Let’s go to the tape...no not that tape Kevin. The tape is clear that...no I don’t mean the clear tape. I mean the film. No not the film the adhesive leaves behind on your cheek...”
I was devastated for Sasha! Abe was the person I assumed would be offed by Negan because of how happy he and Sasha had become. Then I was devastated all over again for Maggie. Plus Glenn has always been my favorite. Then they did that dinner scene and I was just pissed! Don’t try to pull even more despair out of me!
I think TWD has repeated the same cycle so many times that “unrepentant insane dude” is kind of the only card they had left to play. We’ve already had the Villain Who Thinks He’s Doing Good and the Villain Who Tried Good and Got Screwed So Now He’s Bad, and had several random Evil, But Human Evil type of people in…
“because I hate you just as much”
Yes, at this point, he’d be a general or something, not a pilot.
Tom Cruise gets weirder every year.