
“Oh, I didn’t see you there while I was doing all these pushups”

“...there is a dark, Baylessian part of my brain that lit up with thoughts like, ‘Holy shit, I don’t think Kevin Durant can handle this!’”

Meanwhile, Jacksonville can’t even find a way to sack their own coach.

You know, I went and looked it up!

I get what she’s saying. Those things aren’t martial arts, but they give you a sense of physical awareness, a sense of control and respect for your body. I understand why one would recall this when physically threatened.

How pathetic do you have to be to rob a 90 year old woman? Yes, we need criminal justice reform. However, every time I hear about something like this, I get illogical and think, “no, just lock the fucker up in a cage and let him suffer.”

This story kicked me in the gut. My mother was an alcoholic, and I struggled with opiate addiction for years. Addiction isn’t a lifestyle you choose. Sobriety isn’t easy, nor is it a wagon to which you strap yourself. Functional addicts are the most at risk because, until they crash and burn, no one has any idea of

Scottie Hughes is a woman, though.

“We interrupt this episode of SpongeBob SquarePants to bring you UConn vs UCF: The ConFLiCT.”

Do you even rivalry, bro?

Refuses to keep his cool? He’s throwing up a shaka in the picture! What’s cooler than that!?!

He looks like he just saw someone litter.

That man looks cold.. We should get him a blanket

It must be heartbreaking, knowing that your father doesn’t really want to have sex with you.

A Potemkin Village for the 21st Century.

Well, I can’t argue with that.

Megyn Kelly has gone full fucking rogue. She is completely out of fucks to give with her employer’s continual sucking up to that rotted yam, and I am 100% sure Newt Gingrich was not the only person affiliated with Fox losing his god damn mind at that moment.

The Blackhawk logo is different because it represents exactly ONE guy - Chief Blackhawk. And to be even more precise, the hockey team took the name from an army unit that was named after the same ONE GUY.

I hope someone who works for the Indians has thought to invite Charlie Sheen to throw out the first pitch at one of the games in Cleveland.

As long as they Call it The Sound Garden I don’t care who pays for it.