
I’m guessing (hoping) that by calling her the normal one the author means the “normal” one, because while I have sympathy for the way she has been spoken of so degradingly and indecently by her own father, Ivanka is a well-educated, reasonably intelligent woman who could easily support herself, instead of being the

I can’t help but feel somewhere deep in her heart she wishes Obama was her real father.

I mean, the Central Park 5 were demonstrably innocent and cleared of all charges, but Trump still wants them executed. Reminds me of the line William Burroughs put in the mouth of his narrator in Naked Lunch, “It’s like the one judge said to the other judge, ‘Be just. But if you can’t be just be arbitrary.’ “

My immediate reaction: “Well, that’s because you’re not a beauty contestant....”

Melania is 46, she is way pass due her expiration date, he will be replacng her with newer model, soon

Oh honey, that’s because you are too old for him. He likes women his daughter’s age. *barf*

Ken Bone would never rape anything.

She also said to stop calling it sexual assault because Trump didn’t say the words “sexual assault” in the tape.

Now playing

Really, honestly, truly...poor, little rich girl.

This is what happens when you hire a failed OL coach to be your HC to keep one recruiting class in order after Schiano bolts to the NFL and he’s the only scrub he didn’t decide to hire.


Of course there is. Why is anyone surprised? All of the things he says are horrible, sexist, racist, fascist, or some combination. He’s like the personification of the worst, most sophomoric, Yahoo chatroom suicide troll of all time, only as running for president. We Americans should all be humiliated.

Mark Cuban is election Santa.

Surely Mark Cuban can dig around his couch cushions and come up with the 5 million. For America.

If it is possible/real Mark Cuban will absolutely make this investment. I have never seen someone get so much glee out of the demise of Trump except maybe Hillary.

Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.

Surprised Burnett has draconian NDAs that protect Trump? Nope

Somebody apparently learned from the master.

Dear Trump Apologists,