Well, what helps makes it all the more shocking for it having been said is that you have to notice the way he talks about women and how he regards them, especially in contrast to his position and leverage; then wonder how he would conduct himself around other beautiful women whilst occupying what is widely considered…
“I bet she’s got a great pussy” = “locker room talk”
It’s a Flavor saver, you know for her P***y.
FINALLY! It’s about damn time an old white dude with a mustache publicly moralized about how things should be.
“When he does his grabbing, he doesn’t go tiptoeing around all those thousands of rules of sexual assault.”
sweet jesus. what do these people think political correctness means?
My repugnant attitude towards women is making news. Who should I go to for advice? Rudy Giuliani and New fucking Gingrich.
Honestly, I cannot understand the batshit mental acrobatics and internalized misogyny that would enable any woman to defend Trump’s comments.
If you don’t want your daughter to hear the word “pussy” maybe don’t let her watch the segment where you’re defending Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. That’s like going on Twitter on a Sunday night and complaining about Game of Thrones spoilers.
Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.
And she’s not even the one who had the affair! Like it’s her fault. Sad!
Well, looks like what I’ve been saying for months now has finally come to fruition: Billy Bush will prove to be a pivotal player in this election.
This fucking election. I can’t. This is a presidential election!!!
I’m just glad it sounds like he’s staying in the race because the GOP needs to be forced to fucking own this.
Honestly, just disable chat for Twitch, it’s so fucking AIDS anyway.
Whats the etiquette on spraying virgin blood all over hotel sheets?