
Pretty much. Although, I'm also noticing a lot of claims in this thread that they would support the cop even if their kid behaved that way. I don't buy it though. Every time some suburban white kid does something wrong, their right wing "personal responsibility" preaching parents do all they can to cover up or deny it.

IIRC it depends on ethnicity. Hispanic Catholics tend to lean Democratic but I think non-Hispanic white Catholics are more conservative and the people who run Catholic hospitals are likely to be white, old, and conservative.

Women are always told to just report it. Time and time again, it goes nowhere. Until the system starts prioritizing victims over victimizers, stop telling women they're dealing with this wrong.

He sexually harassed her. He deserves to have his career and reputation damaged. I’m so sick of people caring more about the well being of men who behave in a predatory way than the well being of women who harmed by misogyny.

My grandma was obsessed with butter. She put it on everything. Including peanut butter sandwiches. They're actually pretty good. Or at least I liked them as a kid. I haven't had one in many years.

Everyone else is attracted to Jon Snow. You’ll take Wun Wun.

Furious? I’ve never been particularly popular with men (outside of cat callers) and I’m not furious. It sometimes makes me a little insecure, but not angry.

Actually, we’re not allowed to expect hygiene either. Roosh V, that PUA douche and neo-Nazi has complained that in order to get laid men have to keep their butts clean of crusty old poop. Poor men!

Snarky liberals use the term not to make fun of people without wealth, but to make fun of the classism on display by conservatives. Do you really not understand this.

I’m not saying female business people are never criticized in sexist ways. But your statement is simply not true. People have criticized George W Bush’s failure in business and Mitt Romney’s vulture capitalism and used those as examples of why they shouldn't lead plenty.

How is she qualified? She's never held elected office (at least not that I know of). The qualifications she's running on is her status as a successful businessperson. It's not really fair to ask us to take her tenure at HP off the table when that's what she's running on.

Once again, personal responsibility is for the poors. It's never the executive's fault if the business is doing poorly enough for mass layoffs. It's not the fault of the financial industry execs that they crashed the economy. It's not the fault of Republican elected officials if the economy sucks on their watch. But

You’re in the comments of an article about someone threatening to commit the mass murder of women wanking on about how men have it so rough. Go. Sit in the corner. Think about why that was not a good thing to.

You get the one star I’m able to give because your whole post was awesome. But you get a million more stars in my heart because of the line about Sasha Grey and McDonald's.

Spot on. There's nothing she can do about eventually aging out of conventional beauty.

That’s the lamest excuse ever. Nobody concern trolls and bullies thin people who eat junk food and never exercise.

It reminds me of the people who say things like "I don't hate black people, I just hate niggers. The good black people are okay!" and then get all offended when people rightfully identify them as racist.

It’s a thing. I’ve been thin and chubby and was treated so much better as a thin person and would have been viewed as healthier than I am now even though I had an eating disorder. And I’m just a bit chubby, nowhere near fat enough to get real shaming and discrimination and even I’m rolling my eyes hard at the way thin

Seconded! I'm very prone to strep and have been very, very sick with it many times. In the pre-antibiotic era strep would've either killed me outright, or weakened my heart and caused me to die early from that. Like Beth March.