
While I’d definitely agree that there’s a racist component to black rappers being called out way more often than Eminem or The Beastie Boys and that’s utter bullshit, I see lefty men making the “left has gone too far” argument only when misogyny is being discussed. A whole lot of liberal men expect feminists to be

In other words, religion is the opiate of the masses.

No way. That kitty deserves tuna. Maybe even some good salmon.

When discussing women's bodies, fit tends to be used as a synonym for very thin and it's not true at that very thin has always been the most prized body type. Standards of beauty constantly change. Other than things like hip-waist ratio and healthy skin, there's not much of a good evo psych argument for what is found

This is exactly why those frat signs at Old Dominion telling fathers to drop off their freshmen daughters and wives are rape culture. This is the kind of thing that happens when women are thought of as the property of the male members of the family.

Typical American stupidity and hypocrisy. It’s just like the people who rail against welfare and big government but are on several government aid programs themselves. Hurting a marginalized group is always more important than any kind of logical consistency. I hate this country sometimes.

They never, ever learn, do they? They always look worse when they cover it up.

I don't get hate for turkey bacon. Oscar Meyer's is kind of gross. But Jennie O's turkey bacon tastes almost exactly like the real thing.

If he ever shows up to Frozen Embryos practice, we can ask him.

Last fall I went to open a porch door. The sun was setting and it was getting dark, so I couldn't see that there was a wasp lying in wait. The stinger only scraped my hand, it didn't even break the skin. It still hurt so bad. The part that got grazed was in burning pain for two hours and the part of my hand that just

A 1000 times this. The joke wasn’t particularly funny. But it’s the ubiquity of fitbits and fad diets that make it tough to tell myself that the diet-fitness industry is a sham and refusing to participate doesn't make you an abnormal freak.

You act like people only cheat because they want to be in an open relationship and society tells them no. That might be true for some. Some people get off on deceiving their partners. Some people get off on sneaking around, lying, and hiding. Some do it as a form of emotional abuse. I'm all for society being more

The only time I've ever given a cat a bath is when my childhood cat got stuck under the porch and had to be dragged out through a puddle of mud and melted snow. He had to be hosed down right away so he couldn't track mud everywhere. The poor guy was not happy.

It’s your own fault if you’re a whore with defective genes. Should have thought of that before you opened your legs!

Exactly. I can tolerate and be civil towards someone with different opinions at the workplace and family gatherings. But why put work into a friendship with anyone who has stupid bullshit opinions. What does it get you besides a decreased chance you'll wind up home alone on a Saturday night. I'd rather watch a horror

There are similar, annoying arguments about the evil females taking over male spaces like gaming and atheism. It's ridiculous. You can have single sex clubs or gatherings. That's fine. You can't claim an entire profession or media form. I don't even know how men can claim atheism since all atheism is a lack of belief

Also, feminists tend to be very anti-war. So getting mad at feminists because men die in war just makes zero sense. Personally, I don't want people of any gender going to war unless there's just no other option. I think if we had a more feminist culture there'd be much less war.

The Bible has plenty to say about money lenders, but funnily enough, none of these "Bible believing Christians" seem to want to refuse service to bankers.

Anything that doesn’t please a red piller boner is a human rights violation. Didn’t you know that? Other things that are oppressive include being over 25, having short hair, having dyed hair, glasses, and tattoos. This is by no means a comprehensive list.