and don't forget the My Little Pony mod!
and don't forget the My Little Pony mod!
$15/4 = $3.75 a week. I guess the people that took vacation time and/or called out sick will be glad to get three dollars for their hassles. Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
And unlike most FP games, it appears you can actually see your own body, and not just your arms and hands!
Stick an Oculus Rift on this and shit your pants.
That's not possible with how recruit-a-friend works, now or back then.
You can't grant levels above your own - so for someone to hit 90, there'd need to be someone who was 90 already. Furthermore, all the benefits (besides the bonus XP) end at 80, so yeah. Not sure why you'd make this up - the internet is strange.
that'd be impossible because the RAF level granting is still gated at level 85.
What happened to it being about the journey, man?
...yeah, I thought it was launching Thursday? Did somebody hit the submit button early or was there an early access thing I didn't hear about?
So many mounts...
Might want to edit this one, Warlords is dropping on Thursday.
Couple of hours? I thought it was over a day away still. Not that I am complaining, I would love to find out I am wrong, The last few months has been killing me with excitement.
The rest of this guys channel is gold too. Specially this one.
Some potentially decent writing in there, Mt. Safety definitely gave me a chuckle.
Maybe if he bought 99 Nokia phones instead, they could have been... N-Gage'd
Yeah I call bullshit PR stunt: Computer programmers don't have this many friends.
"Specifically for Overwatch over the past year we've been really cognizant of that, trying not to oversexualize the female characters. I don't know if we oversexualize the male characters. But it's something we're very sensitive to. We want that to be part of who we are, what our brand is. I think [Blizzard president]…