The over-the-shoulder point of view is nice and all, but Leon himself is taking up way too much real estate
The over-the-shoulder point of view is nice and all, but Leon himself is taking up way too much real estate
Had no idea this was going to be on PC, let alone Free-to-play. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what kind of free-to-play game it could be based on the trailers from e3
It starts... First PvP, then PvE. I’ve been enjoying the cross-faction dungeon finder in RIFT, and they’ve already had a “mercenary” mode for war fronts, and I’ve been waiting for more features like those to make their way into WoW.
Holy shit. This is not what I expected to find on Kotaku today. I thought he was over that bile growth. Man.... Well, there goes my evening.
“Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride...” - Duke Nukem
What did the kid’s parents do right? They obviously didn’t raise their child right.
Early game, Butcher can be completely zoned by Zagarra. Then again, most melee assassins could have trouble with Zagarra.
I suppose that Bioware’s writers can get really creative now since Disney nixxed the Extended Universe.
They should throw the PC version on Early Access. Though if they did that then it’d never get completed.
I hadn’t been keeping track of these since Sexy Beach 3. Nice to know they’re still in business.
Every time I see this, I keep thinking of “I’LL EAT YOUR BONES!!! EEEEEAAAAARGH!”
Looks like a skin for Valla rather than a straight up Amazon hero.
It’s sad but true. Nobody showed up to her party.
No, I’d never ask someone to play the GfWL version of Gears of War. Never.
Mojang ought to be rolling on their asses right about now. All that bullshit about Scrolls and now ZeniMax has a card game.
Was actually pondering getting a PS4 for the Tales game until this. I just hope they don’t gimp the PC version with less content like Vesperia on 360.
Hunters have one-hit kills though. Don’t act like it hasn’t ever happened to you.
Symphonia on the Gamecube was my first Tales game, followed by Vesperia on Xbox 360 and Abyss on 3DS. I’d say Abyss was my favorite even though Symphonia is what got me hooked.
Selling ore was my bread and butter for the beginning of MoP until the market got flooded. Good riddance. Such a waste of real money to buy a game you’re not actually going to play yourself.