
Yes. And, when I am sick, bay leaves make all the difference in my mom’s go-to chicken broth recipe. When I moved away from home, I tried making it without the bay leaves, and it *just wasn’t the same.*

Exactly. I love the local and non-chain aspect, but none of that is stuff I want at the airport.

Maybe I fly out of Austin so much, I’m just sick of it?

Did you eat lunch at Austin Bergstrom? I feel you. It has the WORST food options and also smells like a car after someone left breakfast tacos in it on a hot day.

We did something VERY similar with my two wonderful history teachers in elementary school.

Kreeos needs a Safe Space. Please try to be more understanding.

Why were you casually eating tacos with a white supremacist?

Precisely. These morons are just shocked that “reasonable [white] folk” also happen to see them as a danger to society. I think they were probably fine with Jordan Davis getting shot for blaring rap music because, you know, that’s actually “scary.” THEY, meanwhile, were just joking around and having some fun.

Commented on this above, but my family friend dated a white-power guy. And, in this case, such a name name would be deemed “Spanish,” as in white conquerors from Spain. This is also the explanation I got when I asked my friend’s boyfriend how in the fuck he could justify eating tacos. Tacos are “Spanish,” obvi.

Having interacted with white supremacists more than I’d like (a childhood friend dated one), they would call this a “Spanish” name, and “Spanish people are white Europeans.”

Right. I’ve had a few conversations with men in which they express confusion about what they’re “allowed” to do in the work place, express frustration that there are no “clear” rules, and express anger that they were accused of being inappropriate when “gosh, who knows what the rules ARE in the first place?”


Throwing the safe-space-mocking rhetoric back in conservatives’ faces has become my new favorite hobby.

Mariah is indeed amazing. She’s the reason I will watch Season 2.

Cottonmouth was the thing that initially got me hooked on Luke Cage, which was a bit of a heavy slog at the beginning. When your hero is a bit ... boring? ... you need the villain to bring it, and he did.

Yeah... kinda what I was thinking, but the documentary may prove me wrong.

This article is not talking solely about charging sick people more, though. We’re talking about not allowing them to get coverage at all, even if they are willing to pay more.

Some of these are basically the arguments I used in my 20s when I wanted to buy an expensive pair of shoes I didn’t need.

I grew up right by Minooka Park. Was just over the district border, so didn’t attend Waukesha schools, though.

I also grew up 5 minutes from where this took place. I am the leftiest lefty who ever lefted, and there’s lots of good in Waukesha. I wouldn’t be happy living there, but it will always be home. I just think commenters on this site are too quick to jump from “Something shitty happened in a place” to “This place is 100%