
Congress can’t wait to subpoena this guy.  He has his tentacles in every aspect of the Trump organization.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Amari, we simply don’t have a table for you in the main restaurant. You clearly made a reservation for 4 at the, see it says right here, ‘Buffet.’ Now if you could just walk through those doors, grab a tray and get on line, I’m sure you’ll all have a lovely all-you-can-eat meal.”

That would be RuthlesslyAbsurd, who called the reaction to this movie “bipartisan lunacy,” which was ridiculous, and a clear attempt at establishing equivalency, which was also the flaw in the AV Club article. I do not live in an “echo chamber.” I spend way more time on FoxNews than I would like, in order to keep

Yes, because I admittedly was unaware of the one film critic but very much aware of the huge conservative outcry — including press and politicians — about the supposed non-patriotism of a movie most of them had never seen. Um, did you actually read the article that you linked, which does not support the premise of

Yup, one film critic. The horror! Try googling “First Man unamerican” or “First Man American flag” and see how many hits you get.

Nice try, but the “bi-” of the so-called “bi-partisan lunacy,” according to this article, is from the pen of a single film critic (despite its unsupported and unlinked claim that there were, in fact, more “liberal”complaints); whereas the conservative press in general — not just a single film critic — was all over

Because my observation was based on fact (actual conservative protest regarding the film), and yours on conservative fantasy (“Hey, let’s pretend that liberals protested it too because Neil Armstrong isn’t black or a woman!— Because liberals hate all white men!”).

Sorry. I mean, SORRY!

Yes, I remember all the well-reported liberal outrage over First man, which I’m sure will attach to this documentary as well. What a salient, insightful observation. I’m sure you have made many liberals cry. Well done.

What!!?? Yet another movie about Apollo 11 that doesn’t show the American flag being planted?! Un-American! Communist! Disrespectful to our troops! How dare they! Another liberal conspiracy to try to pretend that it wasn’t ‘Murica that put the first man on the moon!  I assure you, I will be boycotting this, and you

Agreed.  After all, you didn’t say, “edgyish and edgeful.”  

He has a ginger Joffrey thing going there.  Figures.

I was really hoping that when Scar came on the screen Mr. Puppers would launch himself at the TV and try to kill him.

That’s a real nice coat of paint ya got dere. I’d be a real shame if somebody came along and painted over it.

Dare him to do an astrophysics equation.  Then we’ll know....

What this is REALLY about is that straight people by and large don’t give a shit about gay representation, and get annoyed when some gay person makes a fuss.” What the hell does this even mean? “Makes a fuss” about what? Besides basic incoherence, your making this argument in a piece about an Elton John biopic is

Putting aside the use of blackface, which is intrinsically and inherently offensive, if there is an offensive stereotype in a movie, the objection should be to the stereotype, not to the person playing the role. A “gay role” doesn’t automatically equate to an “offensive gay stereotype,” and I’m not sure that I’ve ever

He’s gonna be really dissatisfied with his salary in the Cook County Jail.

Hey, hey ... this sucks. Long live the Prefab Four. I always loved Peter’s character on the show.

And of course, Timmy, PJ, and Squi.