Maybe he was thinking of Klaus Barbie, The Butcher of Lyon.
Maybe he was thinking of Klaus Barbie, The Butcher of Lyon.
Emilio, you should have more respect for the black lesbian woman who solved Fermat’s Last Theorem back in 1950 while earning two Purple Hearts and a Medal of Honor at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir.
I was hoping the final shot would be Elizabeth’s answering the phone as a nebulous voice on the other end of the line just says ‘It’s done’.
Is he packing a Fat Man or a Little Boy?
He did in “Brunch with Mulva.”
Username/comment synergy!
It is impressive they caught this guy, considering all they had was a photograph.
Now I’m imagining a bunch of stoned gerbils.
No, I was going to stick it on my chin and pretend it was a goatee.
You want to add it to your nest?
I’ve read both of these articles and perused the comments and mainly that is a terrible haircut.
We don’t talk about Fight Club.
Taking on the role of Eleven at age 12
did they also throw out DaBathwater?
It’s almost as if beneath the evangelicals cloak of moral superiority they’re just a bunch of disgusting pieces of shit.
Oh, dude, modern Evangelicals basically live in pencil. They see Christ as an infinite eraser.
He killed my pet dog when I was 7.
That's highly significant!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Bach!"