
You mean, Kirk Cameron Over Here So I Can Explain Why I’m Going to Heaven and You Will Burn Eternally in Hell.

In Norwegian: “The world is awash with blood. Satan claims his throne. I see the dead: 1917.85 corpses, each with an average of 3.256 wounds.” You’re right, decimals are totally black metal. 

Shouldn’t they make 666 copies of everything? Or because they have no money they can’t afford the third 6?

“Let me assure you that I have no problem in the flying area. Bigly. Many, many people have told me that I am capable of flight.”


Looks like another great advertisement for the Rudolph the RNR philosophy: Supposed physical deformities are to be mercilessly mocked and, preferably, eradicated, up to the point that they prove exploitable by a person in power.

Not a zero-sum proposition. Yes, Bush and then Obama could have done more for homeowners, but there are very few economists who would not agree that preventing the larger banks from going under was absolutely necessary to prevent a 1930's-style depression. The “bailout” was necessary to save the world economy, even if

A flat tax is horribly regressive and incredibly unfair. You’re taxing most Americans on the very portion of the income that they need to pay bills, eat, have a home, etc. To the wealthy, such expenses are a much smaller portion of their income (even if they eat filet mignon every night and live in a mansion), so the

It all started with the German governments forcibly confiscating unfairness from law-abiding citizens.

The cancellation of Kimmy Schmidt and Fuller House leaves everyone free for Netflix’s next big project: The Insatiable Kimmy Gibbler.

Yes, the Gollum scene was clearly heavily influenced by the seminal angel/devil dichotomy involving the character “Pinto” in the highly influential 1970s comedy-noir film “Animal House.” The Gollum scene borrowed and built upon elements of the scene from the earlier film, and rendered the self/self interaction highly

Needs more Fountains of Wayne, Valley Winter Song, and Replacements, Bundle Up.

I’m not buying it. The Ziggy character evolved and, as demonstrated by the album cover, the original incarnation was not the later flame-haired one we know so well (and which, in itself, became more outrageous over time). Indeed, the original “persona” looks a lot like Bowie in the original Five Years video shown

You know what’s weird? The only thing thing the Hodel character says is “Hodel.”

I’m on it.

I’m picturing your Dad with a big mustache and cowboy hat, and a six-pack of Coors in the back, running from Smokey.

And you could also flip it around to say, “If I’m right about passing, your hole is an ass.”  Mind-blowing, eh?

We had one of those Siennas (still do, in fact, 280,000 miles and counting).  It went plenty fast.

In a free and functioning constitutional republic, negotiation is not done at the point of a gun. That it has come to this, after two years of a Trump-controlled government, only demonstrates what a weak, feckless, small, stupid, egocentric, rudderless, moron that is our “president.”  If you think that this is how

Which is exactly the correct response. The functioning of the government is not a negotiation tool. If the Democrats “negotiate” under these circumstances, what’s to stop Trump from doing this again and again? What, for that matter, is to stop a future Democrat president from doing the same thing? The lesson must be