
Because the way to achieve even a “valid” goal is not to hurt thousands of people not involved with your fight, stomp up and down and demand to get what you want, ignore the constitutional and institutional norms and processes for passing legislation, and just generally being the biggest, whiniest, most pathetic dick

Not to mention banjoassrape.

Basically, all Bugs Bunny classical music shorts. To this day, I still refuse to believe that there is not a Wagner opera where a short viking guy sings, “Kill the Wabbit!”; or that the Barber of Seville does not feature the lyrics:  “Why look so perplexed, why must you be vexed, can’t you see you’re next?  Yes,

Full attribution: This is from LesWitt from the comments on today’s previous VW story. It’s the clear winner, i.e.,

He was talking about a different kind of “bone.”

After his workout, he’s gonna start dancin’!

So, no more shitty Verizon Wireless commercials?

Keanu give me my meoney back?

Perhaps, but I think the message would be more powerful if the dog actually looked somewhat like a pittie. As it is, it’s too easy to dismiss the effects of the stereotype simply by concluding that the dog is not, in fact, half pit bull.  

“I don’t belieeeve you.  You’re a liar!

I also have a “who knows?” mix, maybe some border collie, maybe some lab, maybe even some pit bull, but there’s really no way to know. Maybe my identification of the starring canine’s ancestry was a bit overstated, but that is an awfully weird dog to pick for a movie with a major plot point involving the dog being

Pit bull mix, my ass. That’s a beagle/shepherd mix.

No “Kong: Skull Island?”  I’d love to hear his reaction to his attempted heroic, but sadly inconsequential, demise.  (Yeah, it’s a dumb movie, but it was on HBO constantly for awhile).

Fun fact: When he threw the pitchfork he accidentally impaled Eric in the brain. Now you know...

As long as Mark Sanchez and his talentless ilk are in the NFL, and Colin Kaepernik is not, the horse is alive and kicking, and the “narrative” is true and relevant.

Which, in a perverse way, is why conservatives are also so obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Or figures out that he can buy duplicate power cords.

Oh no, they’re bringing back the Ewoks!

What I know about Asshai is that I want it to be called Asshat.

Reporter: “Ringo, are you a mod or a rocker?”