Music, tone, focus, slo-mo, outward pan to maze, final image of lion resembling GOT’s swords.
It’s good but very Game of Thrones-ian.
Do you have a cracked rear view?
From that image, I thought that Carrot Top had undergone yet another extremely ill-advised image makeover.
Why do I think all the responses are along the lines of: “Frankenberry! Uh, Lucky Charms! Cookie Crisp! Count Chocula! Wait, wait! Trix! Ha! Now, cut it out! I said, cut it out! No fair!”
I’m not sure if that’s a “commitment,” per se, so much as an inability.
Coal man, like a miner or some such.
Well, it’s a dumb line that makes one call into question the reviewer’s taste in dopey-but-fun movies. That said, I’m not going to see this, but not because of this review.
“As is often the case, Robin Of Loxley (Taron Egerton, from those dreadful Kingsman movies) has been conceived as a nobleman drafted into the Crusades.”
I need to watch this show like I need a punch in the face.
There is not, and don’t call me Shirley.
Scene: A British frigate at sea, early 1800s (Thank you, Patrick O’Brian):
I’ve used bid dick energy to power my house for a while now. Problem is, it intermittently powers everything up really intensely for about 2-3 minutes, then everything flickers and then turns completely off. If you’re lucky, the juice may come back on for 5-10 minutes or so a few hours later, but it usually just stays…
Dennis O’Leary: “Why didn’t anybody see that coming?”
Is that Huey Lewis?
Hardee’s isn’t quite as demanding as the Supreme Court.
Since the sketch was mainly about K’s demeanor, combativeness, partisanship, and drinking habits, I don’t think the outcome of the investigation (which apparently is not focusing on any of those things) is going to affect how this sketch holds up. And if you’re so sure the FBI is going to “clear Big Kav,” why were…
Feeling Strangely Fine had the hits, but its predecessor, Great Divide, is an out-and-out classic. Guitar pop at its soaring best. I also really like Wilson’s work on the Dixie Chicks’ Taking the Long Way, particularly his co-writes of Not Ready to Make Nice and Voice Inside My Head. Very talented guy, and I’m not…
So’s my ... On the other hand, never mind.