Chuck Norris’s Nun Ninja: Nun Chuck
Chuck Norris’s Nun Ninja: Nun Chuck
Well, tell him to pick it up. What am I, his maid?
I’m going with Call Me Maybe or Happy.
Can we have Fleetwood Mac co-brand it? “Tusk! Musk.”
Man, is Marilyn Manson still trying to scare people? Give it up, dude.
That “physically superior” part of “physically superior woman” is redundant with respect to Miller.
That’s what they want you to think. I recognize Skitch when I see him, even in a sailor suit..
Weekend at Party Pier! My favorite! The Oneders were great in it.
You mean “Gobblin’ Shark.”
They are demented - demented for Metal!!!! Bang your heads!
I maybe recounted this here before, but it’s apropos. I saw Screaming Trees on the Dust tour at a surprisingly sparsely-attended Metro in Chicago. Some guy in front of me near the stage threw the contents of a beer at Mark Lanegan and at the exact second that he looked around for the guy who did it, the crowd shifted…
Ladies and gentlemen, Robbie Fulks:
From his press release: “Wuggle, wuggle.”
Do your parents know you’re Ramones?”
Thanks for the confirmation, folks. I thought I remembered a Clash connection as well. BTW, I saw an interview with Topper some time ago and he looks great and seems to be doing well.
If I recall, 1/2 of the Sex Pistols were in that (Jones and Cook), as part of someone’s backing band called the Professionals. Am I making this up?
Hey, I used to hang out at Action Park back in the day, and I wasn’t even a dirtbag (just a skateboard nerd). I positively did not die there, mainly because I avoided the Alpine Slide.
Melania says: “Be best.”
Two words (that brought down NBC president Fred Silverman back in the day): Super Train.
Fun fact (to me anyway). A good friend of mine edited Dave’s book, so they’re buds. I will be seeking her out for tickets if/when there’s a tour. On behalf of my friend, thanks for the shoutout!