
Wow, how could you have this discussion without mentioning the Mother of All Punk Covers, Don Henley’s The Boys of Summer as covered by the Ataris? It’s a terrible cover of a pretty great song (largely written by Mike Campbell of the Heartbreakers), made even more infamous by the changing of the lyrics (Deadhead

Saoirse Ronan, duh.

Let me guess, it started with Urich knocking a battery off of Conrad’s shoulder....

Dire Straits, Making Movies - Tunnel of Love, Romeo and Juliet, Skateaway. Not even a big DS fan otherwise, but this whole album is nearly perfect, and particularly Side 1.

Psssst.... I don’t think Cube should hear “Wild Thing” anytime soon. He’s in a delicate place.

Jub jub, jub ........ oh, God, jub ................ jub, juuubbb. Whew. Jub.

Don’t forget to wash your hands.

I originally was very interested in seeing this when it came out, but passed when I found out it wasn’t about Allen Iverson.

I’m going to go to his funeral, inappropriately laugh, and then, when given a blessing to laugh because “that’s what Bozo would have wanted,” break down crying.

Wishing someone to hell because he doesn’t like your widdle movie about your favewit song. What a wonderful Christian you are.

Actually, That Thing You Do is a frickin’ great song. To carry the movie, it needs to sound like it would have been a gigantic hit in the early 60's, and it does. Brilliant songwriting by Adam Schlesinger.


Your son has an oversharing issue.

No, it won’t, and don’t call me surely.

The thing that always bugged me about this movie is that it is ostensibly set on the east coast (Massachusetts, I believe), yet the scenery is clearly out west. Why does this matter? because there are no fricking wolves in the east, so their presence is entirely unexplained and ridiculous. If they had just set the

There is zero comparison between Corgan’s and Jagger’s voices. Jagger may not have a classically “good” singing voice, but he is a GREAT rock and roll vocalist, and the Stones would not have been enormously popular for 50 years if that were not the case. Corgan, on the other hand...., well he tries, he tries.

He used to be known as the Fresh Prince, but he shortened it to Prince just before being beat to death on a playground in West Philly by a coupla guys up to no good. Tragic.

Am I the only one who saw that header picture and thought they were both calmly sitting in a car up past the windows in water?

Delaware! He’s from Delaware!

Hey, the guy was from Delaware, not Philadelphia. We’ve taken enough shit lately without us getting lumped in with Delaware douchebags.