There was a last-minute motion for a stay of execution filed before Judge Judy. It was reassigned to Judge Dredd, who is currently considering it along with his brother (sigh), Frank Stallone.
There was a last-minute motion for a stay of execution filed before Judge Judy. It was reassigned to Judge Dredd, who is currently considering it along with his brother (sigh), Frank Stallone.
My work here is done.
They went to Hardhome Depot.
I think you meant "Kinjapendence Day."
The AV Club always pays its debts.
Every episode they should have had a single shot of the army of the dead wandering aimlessly around north of the wall, with the head of the army turning south just at the cut.
Plus an irresistible urge to hate-tweet on the toilet.
Two songs named after Civil War battles? I guess we're lucky he did not make it a concept album.
Oh, thank goodness. I thought they were cancelling the Zima reboot. I love me some lightly carbonated, clear, alcohol-containing weird-ass liquid.
Have a good evening.
If you can't be an athlete….
I'm not, as I said, getting involved with the merits of Ichi's position one way or the other. I am neutral for present purposes. Never intended to get into a dialogue about this. I just pointed out the fact that Ichi has, in fact, provided some of the answers to the questions you are so hostilely putting forth. …
"We can believe in the idea that women should be treated like people, but we can't be feminists, because what women endure in regards to their rights is by-and-large outside of men's experience."
I'm not arguing the merits of this one way or another. However, Ichi already answered this question in his initial post, and yet you act like he didn't.
Being a feminist and supporting what feminism espouses are two different things, and he explained the difference.
The actual Nazi rocket scientists were hired by the federal government to work on the nuclear weapons program.
When I was a kid in Baltimore, I told people I would run for president one day so that I could take over all the Geno's restaurants (a local fast food chain), and have an endless supply of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
With Trump it was even worse, because his non-bankrupt companies are privately held. As such, he reports to, and answers to, no one: not a board, not shareholders, not the court of public opinion. It is a true dictatorship, where he can hire whom he wants, and surround himself with fawning sycophants and relatives…
He's totally in my face!