
God, where to start? (And I'm referring to singers who can project and take over a song, and not blend into the background, not necessarily technically great singers): Radiohead (and I don't even like them); U2; Replacements; Beatles; the Who; Stones; Big Star; X; Kinks; Pretenders; Sleater-Kinney; Waxahatchee;

God, I'm tired of bands who don't have a single person in them who can really sing, so it's all multitracked, whispered "harmonies." Much as I love a lot of Teenage Fanclub, for instance, I can't listen to them for long periods because the bland sameness of the vocals eventually drives me crazy. Grizzly Bear is a

"Hot Pie's Hot Pies."

The show has never clearly established whether Sam even knows that Jon is ruling at Winterfell rather than serving at Castle Black. Indeed, this ties into a huge logical problem for me. If it is not widely known that Jon was killed, thus fulfilling his vow to the Night's Watch, and resurrected, why doesn't everyone

Needs more elves and dwarves.

I don't even see what it would prove. "So, OK, a warrior zombie. Looks pretty frail and easy to kill. Whatevs." Without clear proof of the sheer size of the army, or capturing something a lot scarier (White Walker), I don't see how this is necessarily going to change anyone's plans.

I'd pay good money to see a video of the GoT cast dancing to the Safety Dance.

Name one (besides the right to own slaves).

We'll see you on the other side.

Or other stuff:

Uh, I think they didn't dodge that particular bullet with Joffrey, mental-health wise, if you know what I mean.

Yeah, well that never happens to Jon Snow and the rest of the crew. One genius decision after another. I'm sure it has nothing to do with not wearing a hat.

Yeah, then it might as well be called Game of Capes, then!

Why can't these people ever wear hats? Don't they know that you lose like 50% of your body heat through your head? This is just common sense, folks! PUT ON A FREAKIN' HAT!

That only will happen if he becomes a permanent starter, which he won't.

Jerry Seinfeld: "I'll never eat there. Hate the Drake."

Without the statues, we will never know.

With permits, perhaps?

Baltimore does all of its moving in the middle of the night.

Hey, this is actually not baaaajdfjjppppppppppppppppppp'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''