
Can we please remember that Ellen *waited until she was famous* to come out? There were (and are) plenty of queer comedians/ performers who’ve never had anything approaching her platform, and it’s because they weren’t willing to hide their identities and make romcoms with Bill Pullman.

And it reflects so badly on the institution. (Oxford!) I can understand how/why celebrities are admitted to graduate programs, but I absolutely do not understand how or why anybody signed off on a thesis with such egregious errors. It’s one thing to try to bolster prestige by boasting that a best-selling author is

How is “an obese man hit on me even though he’s obese and I’m a size zero” a double standard? It’s obviously not okay for this guy to have been rude or inappropriate, but it’s not like it would have been *more* okay from a guy whose BMI was also “underweight or exactly on target,” or if it had been directed at a woman

If they were in an extenuating circumstance, a meal was significantly delayed, and the parent said “I’m sorry! We’ll eat as soon as possible,” I’d basically agree.

Given the way he talked about the process of her figuring out the can opener? I think it’s very possible that he *does* have a disabled kid who just hasn’t been diagnosed.

I’m autistic. For political reasons (and for some artistic reasons!), I think that it still makes sense to push for disabled characters to be portrayed by disabled actors.

You were criticizing the movie in your first post, sure, but it was sloppy satire. Couldn’t decide if you were punching up or down, I guess?

I’m not sure I’ve seen the whole thing, actually. I just dug up the trailer, though, and it looks like the model for a lot of contemporary representations of autism.

Absolutely. I’d add that they’d also benefit from performing a version of their, uh, ‘chosen’ ethnicity that’s calculated to get very particular reactions from white people. Just ‘ethnic’ enough to be appealing without making anybody uncomfortable, unless there’s a benefit to making somebody uncomfortable. It’s really

Wow. I’m no longer surprised when I realize that things are worse than I imagined, but if this kind of fraudulent identification is actually all over the place... ugh.

I was confused about that too. But later comments say that’s it’s been reported that Krug was about to be outed. If that’s correct, there’s no inconsistency. She’s just a shitty person who knows how this kind of apology should sound, and is hoping that she’ll save her skin (ha?) with a calculated performance of

I think that it’d be more productive for white women to interrogate why we might feel a teensy bit of annoyance about being called out, and not being centered, in this conversation.

Under no circumstances are “dog” and “toddler” interchangeable. Though yeah, if he’d demanded that she leash her toddler, that would have been fucked up.

I still think this issue is a lot more complex than it initially seems! If you prioritize pitch elements of a composition (i.e. melody/harmony), you are for sure going to be prioritizing a “learned” Western definition of authorship. And, as I said, that kind of definition has historically been used to deny

IIRC, generally copyright law in music involves what is written on the score, and much of the argued similarities were not documented.

“He’s So Fine,” not “Be My Little Baby”!

Rachel McKibben posted on Twitter that the teeth image wasn’t (just) a metaphor, but an image from her own experience as an abused child.

And that makes me less “real” than if I took the lazier option of letting myself go?

Speaking of food access and vegetarianism: I do remember one story of a CODCO tour in NL in the 70s. (Might it have bee under the group name, but included same members, AFAIK.)

I said I'm not an expert—and it would seem that you are one! Thanks for the detailed response. If, btw, you have any recommendations for further reading, I'd be really interested to dig into details.