
I'm a first-gen Bluenoser, really. :-) 

My parents were friends with Tommy, and I think spent more time with him than with the other member who is actually Mom’s cousin. So most of the stories I can think of are about Sexton siblings, not CODCO itself. I'll give it some thought, though!!

The fur trim is actually utilitarian in really cold climates, if my grandmother was correct: unlike fake fur and most fabric, it won’t freeze to your face.

Love the user name, btw. My cousin was in CODCO! Why they're not in reruns, IDK.

I’m more concerned about the lives and dignity of indigenous people than I am about the lives of seals.

Aboriginals have the right to hunt even when white people don’t because they have cultural rights as Canada’s first peoples, but their cultural rights are based on their historic need to survival hunt.

I doubt it’s polonium, given the symptoms listed here. Alexander Litvenenko had pretty classic acute radiation syndrome, and this sounds more like something working on his nervous system.

Or, you know, tax them. 

This is one of my favorites, and I never meet anybody who’s seen it. Thanks for posting!

One of the wonderful things about my agent, Kim Witherspoon, is she always presents me with two options when approaching a business deal, particularly when it comes to books. She’ll say, ”Look, you could go with these guys and get a whole shitload of money upfront, or you could go with these guys, which is the morally

One of the wonderful things about my agent, Kim Witherspoon, is she always presents me with two options when approaching a business deal, particularly when it comes to books. She’ll say, ”Look, you could go with these guys and get a whole shitload of money upfront, or you could go with these guys, which is the morally

And the perspectives of those who felt this way growing up are more important than parents’ views that “it is hard” and “you don’t get it before you have kids”.

Um I probably should have scrolled down in the thread before I posted my earlier reply. Ground has been covered. :-)

I don’t want to add to the pile-on, because I sense that you’re being quite sincere. But if I could decode a bit?

Mannes is part of the New School.

By no reasonable definition is Atwood a “philosopher”.

She’s an important writer, but I don’t think her literary merit excuses what she’s been doing lately. Signing the Galloway letter, writing that “Bad Feminist” in the Globe (with no credit to Roxane Gay), and apparently pushing the Walrus to pull a sexual assault piece by Zoe Whittall—all kinds of egregious white

I have a lot of problems with Atwood—but to be clear, the Hulu Handmaid’s Tale airs in Canada on Bravo, and is available on Crave. It’s more accessible than, for instance, the new Degrassi stuff on Netflix.

Or you’re now an adult who can legally have sex with any adult you choose.

Am I wrong in thinking that the word choice there is particularly—ew? It’s not “you can legally [vote, enlist, buy cigarettes, drink],” but “you’re legal [for me to bone].”

Again: ew.