
You people, you fucking people, killed this industry. You kill diversity in the name of “Diversity”, you exclude in the name of “Inclusion”. Now I know for sure my twitter history will be dug thru in lieu of the quality of my projects. This is a mood killer for me and just... thanks. Thanks for letting me know my

How is it Molyneux is able to get funding for his projects? That’s a question to which I’d love to see someone at Kotaku find an answer.

A tree? Or was it a Sudowoodo?

God, this stuff is so dumb.

The thing about this quote that makes it kind of stupid is that sometimes when someone says “you hurt my feelings”, it’s completely appropriate to say “so fucking what?”

There is a pretty obvious failure mode when we always hold a speaker accountable for another person’s pain. This provides listeners with an incentive to be easily hurt, or at least pretend to be. By claiming to be unsafe, offended, or hurt, a person has the power to shut down speech and immediately discredit the

Me neither. It’s absolutely nuts. It’s as if people are so stereotype-averse that they’re loath to ascribing any kind of characteristic whatever to a people, even one which is true. I thought the description gels perfectly well Native American history.

And you are hearing SOOOO many constitutional and revolutionary war historians losing their shit over it, right?

Funny how you picked two examples that couldn’t help you at all. You picked Shylock, who is portrayed in the view of the people who hate him as a horrible stereotype, yet is affectionately written by Shakespeare as the person done most wrong to, who is eaten up inside by the malaise created by the “normal” people.

I don’t understand where the offense is committed. Nature was a massive part of the spirituality of virtually every indigenous tribe in North America, why wouldn’t that be incorporated?

I find it quite disturbing that you would consider any kind of fiction out of bounds because of the sensibilities of other people. No, I would have absolutely no problem with a story about your quote. Actually it sounds pretty cool.

Neither do I. If she had left Native Americans out people would be complaining about that instead. I guess the internet was having a boring friday and needed something to be offended about.

My geographical location has nothing to do with my ability to make moral judgements. How ridiculously condescending of you, and exactly the kind of insane moral logic I’m talking about.

Guess what? Loius CK is a fucking comedian. If you want to call someone out for hurtful speech, do so, but I grow weary of the ever-increasing list of shit I can’t talk about because someone, somewhere with paper-think skin may get offended by it.

As somebody who doesn’t live in the USA and is therefore not drowning in a morass of racial neuroses, I don’t find anything remotely offensive about Rowling’s description of Native American magic.

Just on the journalism front, let's remember to avoid Weasel Words (like 'some' Bungie fans) to avoid the appearance of drumming up false controversy and courting clickbait.

Let's stop pretending this is real-world classism and cruelty-based discrimination and just enjoy the dang video games, ok?