
A bit ago I was considering a Europa. I usually don't think about safety much but when I saw a warning, "do not lean on the door", I reconsidered. The construction is little more than a fiberglass body bolted on to an i-beam. I guess that's why companies don't make cars with removable bodies anymore.

Got it, the XJS. Should have been a mid-engine, the 6 was quicker than the 12 on the street, and the biggest problem is it's beautiful.

Stop it with the Fierro, at that point in the US, it would have never been great.

He drove an M Coupe?

Has any other car recorded lap times here? As much as I love Subaru, this is a meaningless achievement aside from the comparison to the previous generation car.

From what I understand, the engine was capable of much more power than it left the factory with, but the crappy Renault gearbox was barely able to handle the 350hp it shipped with. I love low-displacement, high cylinder count engines.

'89 Mazda 626 LX. Really nice car, learned stick on it. I still have a place for '80s Japanese sedans. My second car was an '88 RX-7.

And why not get Lotus Esprit instead?