chocolate covered raisons d'être

Maybe one way we can heal and come together as a nation and society is for each of us to have a chance of throw a punch at Jake Paul.

Ugh. Picture day. When I was in grammar school, I was a little fat kid with horn rim glasses and a crewcut. On picture days, my mother would dress me up in a white short sleeve shirt, black or dark blue polyester slacks, black loafers...and a clip-on bow tie. Even at that young age, I realized I was the biggest dork

Directing all the healing energy your way and wishing you the best possible outcome!

Another vote for whatever drugs you can take. I used to be very stoic about any medical procedure that might be painful. Now that I’m older....fuck that! Max me out on whatever is indicated, baby! Don’t torture yourself unless it’s absolutely unavoidable.

Guess he just had to settle for the Bourne money. That’s rough, bro.

Lemme get some steel-toed boots on and I’ll be happy to help.

Good luck with the appointment! Always wishing you the peace and happiness you deserve.

So much awesome! Congrats!

That Sterling Higgins chap....I like the cut of his jib. Yes, indeed.

Hey, lady....”your truth” is not THE truth. Even in the longshot event your kids were being taught a more accurate history, they still weren’t being taught CRT. You’re a liar, you’re stupid or you’re a stupid liar.

Yeah, well....maaaaaybe it’s time to try a different approach....

Absolutely. It’s been that way ever since my first days online on local BBSs 30-some years ago. The anonymity is a powerful drug.

100%. About the closest I get to politics\social issues on reddit is my hometown sub and the level of racism on there makes it nearly unreadable. The only reason I glance at it at all is some useful info does pop up on there about things happening in the city council and the like. And it usually gives links to local

I use reddit for very specific things I'm interested in like cycling and computers. Even those subs still manage to attract vermin but it's minimal usually.

This sounds like a bad Hunter S. Thompson parody attempt.

I’m none of these only because I’ve aged out. For most of my life, I played the Philosopher Fuckboy. Wore it like a suit of armor because I knew I had nothing else to offer. I played up a spotty superficial education and got real good at snotty condescension. Took me too long to realize the only one I was bullshitting

Sometimes when I read Harron’s stuff, I think “Canary in the coal mine.” A glimpse of how Jez fades away. Talented writiers just phoning it in till....poof.

Absolutely. Just like in dealing with a cop or testifying in court. If you can limit yourself to yes or no answers, do that. If you need to explain, keep it as brief and narrowly focused as you can.

Logan is my spirit kitteh.

My stepfather was one of those turds. He had a whole repertoire of “Three (racist epithets) walk into a bar...” gems.