chocolate covered raisons d'être

I’m laughing....on the inside.

IT’S NOT THE SAME! Because....uhhh...hey, if you don’t get it, you’ll never understand!

I have the same problem with Rita Ora and Bebe Rexha. Upside is I only think about it if I see one of those names somewhere.

How many of those parents woulda been cool with hydroxychloroquine? Or maybe bleach? I wonder.....

Maybe he can raise his profile being the opening act for Gaetz and Taylor-Greene. Obviously, he’s gonna need to glom onto someone or something and his old man is the turd that’s lost its polish.

Dan Crenshaw is a fascist co-conspirator to an unhinged authoritarian that incited an insurrectionist attack attempting to change the outcome of a free election by force. He should be removed from Congress. 

Two thirsty bitches. As much as they make my skin crawl, let ‘em bloviate over this kinda stuff. Shows the world what desperate pathetic little pissbois they are.

This guy is a fucking idiot. Why even phrase it that way? ANYONE who has to get around for ANY reason is impacted by the crumbling infrastructure. I ride a bike. Streets full of potholes are a problem. Public transit? They use roads, bridges, sometimes even go on highways. So is his pitch to pander to suburban white

He’s a another knuckle-dragging rightist. Just warming up to take back control of Congress next year so the can assure trump regains the throne in ‘24.

Hey...I’ve given up complaining. Obviously not a priority to the big brains of G/O Media.

No, no. It’s the laziness and moral turpitude of the workers infected with commie ideas who are at fault! Won’t someone think of the job creators?!

Oh! We bought my granddaughter a similar looking set at the dollar store when she was 3 or 4. She loved it for a coupla weeks. Then we got her crayons and coloring books.

So Mack pleaded to a couple of charges without any sentencing agreement? Seems unusual.

Vastly different attitudes about money is a huge strain. My ex didn’t give a damn at all and I can be extremely OCD micromanaging about it. Like I literally want to account for every penny. (And of course hypocritically, I can be absolutely instant impluse spender when it’s something I want, so she totally had legit

Gimmee all the beautiful cakes! Gorgeous and no doubt delicious.

True, that sketch has gotten considerably darker over time.

Well...ya know...like everything it has its pluses and minuses. You get the freedom of having you’re own space to do pretty much what you want and I’m cool with the mundane tasks like mowing the lawn. It’s when the major problems happen that you start wondering if it ain’t time to go live in a van down by the river.

Well, alright!

So many of us here pulling for you, wishing you the best. Whatever you need to express, we’re here to listen. You are awesome and don’t ever forget it :)