chocolate covered raisons d'être

Chicago. Apparently we’re going from drought to good chance of rain everyday for the next week. My basement is going to be a wading pool.

Soooo, we had us some weather ‘round these parts. Tornado warnings, storm warnings, flood warnings, all the damn warnings. We managed to avoid swarms of locusts but only because of the torrential rains. Seems calmer now though my phone is still constantly beeping. We went from hot humid drought conditions to flooding.

Arnold Palmer slushy is genius! And I may steal that pizza pic to use as my desktop wallpaper.

At this point in life, I finally feel like I don’t have consider the implications of anything.

I’m kinda extrapolating backwards here because social media wasn’t a thing in my day (Get Off My Lawn™). But I never felt much need to continue torturing myself after a breakup by hovering around an ex’s life. If you’re not together anymore, why? Everyone needs to move on and best wishes to all involved.

Sorry, Alford. Accept your destiny.

Children are edible....I’ve heard.

It’s been a constant puzzle. Why do so many people feel loyalty to this absolute trash person? I get that he validates the bigotry and racism of the lumpen. I’m talking more about the people who work for him. He’s shown over and over that he will turn on anyone if that’s what it takes to get his way. Does he really

One word: Modobag.*

Ha! In yer face, Locke! Always knew your comeuppance would come sooner rather than later.

This smacks of critical gender theory and I won’t have you teaching this to first graders, dammit!

See liberals! This is what you get when you castrate Mr. Potatohead! Happy now?!?!

+1 Well played.

The actual real world fate of the workers was never and is not the point. Like so many other things, this was political theater to demonstrate “someone should do something about something!” Same ol’ same ol’ bullshit.

That’s crazy talk, I tells ya!

Let's not jump to conclusions.

Restock you edibles supply, people. We goin’ for a ride.

Interesting, right? Being depressed and taking meds to treat it often have the same deleterious effects on your libido. Been so long, I’m pretty much over it too. I still like to talk a good game occasionally to remind myself I might still be human in some aspect.

Ah well...all the best sex happens in our minds anyway.

Yes! Support your local sex bench industry!