chocolate covered raisons d'être

He don’t need it. He’s already bought himself cosmic immortality.

So weird. I think I saw on reddit absolute proof that screaming is 349 times more effective in preventing Covid-19 infections than any ol’ vaccine.


This motherfucker. He is really polishing up the resume for his ‘24 POTUS bid. Or at least his groveling to be trump’s VP pick.

Wow. Very sorry to hear that. It’s such a great idea and mission. My stepdaughter was spiraling into deep depression over her health issues and Make-A-Wish helped her regain some joy and hope in her life when her mother and I were at our wits end. Truly, from the bottom of my rando internet stranger’s heart...thank

This makes me sad and angry. My stepdaughter was the recipient of a Make-A-Wish trip when she was a kid. The people we dealt with were so kind and empathetic and really created an experience for her that put some much needed light back into her life at the time. I fervently hope this person’s actions don’t cause

Pffft....I don’t even own a television set! Well...I mean...I do. But I never watch it! Except to peruse only the most educational documentaries. But that’s it! Mostly....

Did she or didn’t she? You’ll just have to tune into my 638 episode not-true-crime-or-anything podcast to find out. Brought to you by SimpliSafe!

Hey, someone put up with my stupid ass for 15 years. There’s no accounting for taste.

Instrumental. The theme runs about four and half minutes and evokes images of myself wandering rainy urban streets in a trenchcoat chainsmoking Camels and taking the occasional pull from a hip flask. Makes the whole scrub-the-toilet thing very noirish.

Personally, I’ve appropriated the BoJack Horseman theme as my personal anthem. It’s the perfect accompaniment for when I spill orange juice all over the kitchen counter and floor. So very cool.

My sister wound up in the hospital on IV antibiotics for a week from a dog bite to her thumb once. Shit ain’t no joke.

Yeah, we all need to step away from the shitshow now and again. Please take good care of yourself. Focus on having a fun trip. You deserve it.

Feel better, Andy! Glad you’re finally getting the vax, too.

Whilst out and about today, I happened across a small (maybe 20 people) gathering of anti-vax\anti-mask protesters. Their signs ranged from a Taylor-Greeneesque assertion that any safety guidelines = a New Holocaust to we’re all guinea pigs for Big Vax to the Chinese are trying to destroy us with a virus that also is

Cosby didn’t want to participate in a sex offender treatment program. Because ya know...he didn’t do anything wrong! Fuck this fucking scumbag. Let him rot in prison.

That’s socialism and we’ll have none of that!

My Coleman ones have backs on ‘em.

I was just thinking fly the plane over the White Sands testing range and use it as a target drone. But if we can make a few bucks, sounds like a better plan. Hell, the target drone thing could be the grand finale.

People are fascinated by these killers because they exist beyond the bounds of “normal” behavior and we want to know why. We want to maybe reassure ourselves that we’re not evil, they are monsters but not us, no siree. There’s something wrong with them...but we’re ok. We want to think there is some hard boundary