chocolate covered raisons d'être

Oh boy! A depression closet! Who needs a union?!

No problem. As long as they validate her, it’s cool.

She’s just living her authentic life. She’s an entitled racist asshole and dammit she wants the world to embrace her for it!

This is why you never listen to God. He’s a complete asshole, always telling you to do fucked up shit like kill your own family members and kick children in the balls. Satan just tells me “Hey man...whatever. It’s your life.” and pours me another drink.

Her fellow fascists might tsk tsk her for continuing to be a shrieking nutjob but would they support throwing her stupid bigoted ass out of the House? Gonna guess no. So they can take their wagging fingers and insert them deeply into their own asses.

Paul seems especially thirsty these days. Is he attempting to raise his sniveling mutant opossum profile for a hilariously patheitc run in ‘24? 

I’d be thrilled if JLo were making out with me at...well...anywhere. Affleck? Maybe if he caught me in the locker room and I was in a mood...

Please, no one wants to see any couple, famous or not, making out at the gym. Except maybe that guy doing slow hip thrusts on an exercise ball. Who is absolutely not me. Even though the resemblance is uncanny.

Hey, could be. If that’s was her situation...hope she learned a valuable lesson.

Stick a few bucks in my g-string and maybe I can come up with something.

There’s really nothing else to say. This story speaks for itself.

If only she had stayed extra super secret.

Damn, Dr. Ruth...what happened to you? You used to be cool!

Now that you get the joke, you owe me $5000. I’ll take that in dogecoin, please.

I’m pretty much convinced now that Simone Biles is an actual superhero.

Same. I was contacted by a woman a few years ago about a HS reunion. I vaguely remembered her but she wasn’t a friend of any kind from those days and her email was all “OMG! Can you believe how long it’s been? Can’t wait to see all the old gang!” My reaction was “Wut?” Anyways, I had no desire to attend this shindig

Thank you! :) It’s been a long time between bright spots for sure.

You sparkle, no matter what :)

I used to love hot weather. Back in the halcyon days of my yout, I’d spend the summers running around nearly naked in public, thirsting after admiring looks from men and women alike. Good times. Now in my doughy old age, I cannot in good conscience assault the general public with any glimpse of my shirtless carcass. It

Just as good. Hell, maybe better :)