chocolate covered raisons d'être

Demi always seems so lost. Obviously, few of us can really understand what they struggle with and we can second guess them endlessly. They really seem to be trying to make sense of their life. As just another rando celeb voyeur, I wish them the best of journey.

Can’t wait for the climax of this story.

The nutjobs are already foaming at the mouth over Mr. Potatohead and Dr. Seuss. Not uttering the word abortion ain’t going to stop them from accusing any Dem\lib from being a baby-killing monster. Might as well take a clear stand.

Absolutely. She's gonna have fiftyish years in the labor force as it is. No reason to rush that shit.

At my first real job, I was obviously eager to prove I was capable and reliable. So I would jump in to volunteer for all the extra projects and late hours. I made friends with a guy a few years older than me who had worked there for a number of years. We were talking in the breakroom one day and I was griping about

Like WTF? Are they afraid vebalizing the word “abortion” is going to upset the anti-abortion nutjobs even more? The fanatics already believe all pro-choice supporters are in league with Satan to murder The Babys™. You’re not placating them by tip-toeing around it. Speak the fuck up!

This and then party with the people who actually care about YOU and want to celebrate this happy occasion with you.

Make a difference? No. For entertainment purposes only.

Oh...if only. To never speak of these trash people again would be bliss.

Please someone post a video of Gaetz and Greene sharing a crack pipe in a Holiday Inn bathroom somewhere out in the boonies.

You’re right, of course. It’s just...I dunno...at this point in my life I’m tired of thinking about it all. I’ve really struggled most of my life to fit in, find my place. So now I have a plausible explanation of why that never really happened and I don’t much care anymore. Maybe if I had known thirty years ago, the

Our backgrounds sound pretty similar, Krispy. And I was also diagnosed as being on the spectrum in my early 50's. It’s a lot to take in...both a relief to finally have some kind of explanation but also kinda like “Great, now I know. But is it too late to really mean anything?” I think my major takeaway has been to

Also...hacky sack?

You talk like America fucks up everything in a childish, petulant and ham-fisted way.

Mr. PotatoHead doesn’t have a dick anymore!

Maniac Marge.

I don’t think I’ve seen her in anything. Only seen her pop up on one or another late night show on occasion. She never seemed very interesting <shrug>.


Eh, maybe? If I was Sly’s lawyer, I’d still send ‘em a cease-and-desist letter (which I would publicize, of course) just to be maybe a small thorn in their side.

Schollyard bullying performances like this would be a pathetic desperate joke if it weren’t actually stirring up violent lumpen goons stroking their AR-15 barrels. “Jihad Squad”? Really? Guess it’s always a sure-fire moneyrasier to fall back on the old hits.