chocolate covered raisons d'être

If you check out this person’s comment history, their agenda is crystal clear.

To be fair, her strategy was more effective than mine which was to tape my Twitter to all the headstones at local cemeteries with the tagline “Sucks you’re dead. You’re missing my tweets.” I got some backlash.

This story won’t come full circle till someone posts it. Hell, it shoulda been the top photo.

Total honesty, I wasn’t thinking specifically about Wolf, just kinda vaguely remembering there was a weird kerfuffle over Sister Sarah and her make-up and how dopey it all was. It’s kind of surprising the right hasn’t gone after Psaki for anything...or have they?

Yep. We still got a very long and ugly road ahead that may yet take us off a cliff.

Ya know....gettin’ a liiiitle tired of your attitude here, Alford. Always lookin’ for for some equality and fairness....Ooooo! Lets help people struggling to survive a pandemic! Let’s help groups that have been fucked over for generations maybe finally get shot to make a better life! Waddya, some kinda human being or

Looks like the trump melon is ‘shopped onto Stallone’s Rocky body. No fouls there? You can’t tell me Sly is getting paid for this.

Yes. Yes this is a joke. For absolute clarity, I don’t give a fuck about Jen Psaki’s makeup or wardrobe or hair style. I care that she can and does make the case for her boss’s administration and shades the rightist shills with apparent ease and perhaps some subtle understated joy.

Hey, Liz. You’re lucky they didn’t take you back to a storage room where you’d have an unfortunate “accident”. Stefanik is the perfect replacement...a craven opportunist who see this dysfunctional moment in history to get hers, fate of the country be damned. It’ll be interesting to see when and what she does to incur

You know me. I’m sitting here trying to think of something funny to say. This is SO fucking stupid....I got nothing.The mere existence of this...creation...is beyond the humor event horizon for me. I leave the field to more imaginative minds.

Psaki looks like a fucking genius compared to her recent predecessors. How could she not? But yes, she’s being doing a good job, I think. She always seems prepared and poised, especially dealing with the fascist agitprop shills.  Now if they could only get her to up her smokey eye shadow game......

At first I thought you were referring to Paltroon’s and the other one’s dueling candles.

Ocassionaly, I say something about the psychosphere in conversation. Nobody knows what the fuck I’m talking about. But Rust and I know.

Dead rats and Republicans ruin my appetite.

I once saw a rat gnawing on the carcass of a dead rat in a subway tunnel. Not sure why that memory is coming back to me at precisely this moment....

Hey maybe she’ll inspire him to write Good Will Hunting 2: The Dumb Guy Left Behind.

I will be nominating Lauren Bacall. This should be self-explanatory.

Can we look forward to some rando life coach interpreting their body language? Otherwise how can we really know if this is hot or not. Personally, I hope they’re boning till neither of them can walk straight. It’s what I hope for pretty much all couples in this New Dark Age.

Usually not one for puns, either. This story had me feeling my oats, I guess.

At this point, it’s just another fake culture war battle. Like abortion, like trans rights, like critical race theory, like Mr. Potatohead. Everything is a conspiracy by the libs to destroy “OUR” country. The right manipulates their lumpen followerswith fear and hate so they never really think about how badly they’re