chocolate covered raisons d'être

Yeah, I don’t get kipping. Looks like how we cheated pull-ups in PE class. I absolutely couldn’t do ‘em because I already have some old shoulder issues.

Absolutely. I say now my bike is almost as important as my therapist.

I got pretty sedentary after a serious workplace leg injury about a decade ago. I did nothing for a long time and put on a lot of weight. I have s-l-o-w-l-y gotten more active again in the last few years. Mostly cycling, working with resistance bands and fumbling my way through some very basic yoga-ish stretching. I

WTF? I get a lot of people are still out of work and all but after a year of clusterfuck, they still can’t get their shit together enough to even answer the phone? Of course not...what am I thinking? So many places you still can’t make an appt. to get vaccinated...nice job, America.

What  a hugely stressful time for you. Hope you can find some way to slow down and take a breathe even for a little while. Wishing you and hubby the best in getting your plans back on track.

Hey now....this sounds like a plan. I like it!

Happy holiday weekend to you and your lovely fam, too!

It’s a tough situation. Know that you’re absolutely not being unreasonable in any way. It’s hard enough when two people aren’t on the same page about finances. You have to added stress of being in a new country and trying to make it work. Hang in there and know so many of us are cheering you on from here.

I honestly can’t think of a time an ex apologized to me for anything important.

So, I tried about a half dozen lame\witty responses to you. But they all end the same way. Cuttin’ to the chase.....you’re awesome :)


I’m older than Jordan. So...yeah.

I quit lifting long before Crossfit was a thing. So I have to defer to your experience. I’m skepical as any time you’re trying to move weight from the floor, the potential is there for injury. It takes time and practice to learn these lifts. If Crossfit provides that coaching, that’s awesome. Maybe other Crossfitters

She’s a fucking nut but she knows the buzzwords that rile up the lumpen.

Yeah, she may be doing it well....today. Those movements don’t leave much wiggle room for error. You lose proper form at the wrong time, you risk serious injury.

If some fuckhead pulls a gun out during an argument, only a complete idiot wouldn’t believe the intention to use it is there. Plus just the act of brandishing a weapon is a crime in itself in a lot of places.

My mom wore those pants 50 years ago.

Omg! Michael, you scared me! Soooo happy there’s still a space between your teeth! Now, could someone please clock me in the head again with this baseball bat? kthnx!

Stop trying to cancel me!
