chocolate covered raisons d'être

P.J., Tobin and Squee will vouch for him as a stand-up dude!

Uhm...full disclosure...I’ll use “gentleman” for clarification purposes only here.

Eh....I dunno. I’m a non-baseball fan born and raised in a two-team city. The fans here have always struck me as obnoxious. But I admit to being just as big an asshole in my militant non-fandom, so we probably deserve each other.

My ways are a mystery. One never knows where one might find one.

This is the correct response.

++1 for Dan Cortes.

Just figured it was a his brain glitching momentarily.

That kinda thinking died out a long time ago. All that matters is next quarter’s earnings and is that good enough for the major stockholders

One has to wonder how much Amazon pays for lobbying and political effforts (to both parties, to be sure) to keep the status quo.

He’s either spent too much time alone out in the desert or not nearly enough.

So I went to the Royal Collection Shop site to look for something special. Nowhere could I find a Prince Andrew Total Immunity Agreement anywhere. Ah well...guess ya gotta know somebody for a gift like that.

There’s a feces receipe for fondant?

American foreign and military policy is often bad up to and including war crimes\crimes against humanity bad. But any official recognition of trans people as people with full rights is a good thing. Whether a trans person chooses to serve in the military is a personal decision like it is for anybody else.

Makes your television want to take a hot shower.

Hahahahaha! Tucker is all like “Hey! Don’t be dragging me into your shit, you fuck!” Love it.

This was going to continue to be a shitshow no matter who was in the WH. The US immigration system has been fucked for decades, just a slapped together jumble of rules and regulations. I dunno what the answer is but, yes...start with a philosophy of treating people decently and work with them, not against them.

Barr was a Deep State operative!

Remember the good ol’ days when Republicans just cruised men’s room? Pepperidge Farm remembers...

“...perhaps the Florida representative will be leaving Congress even earlier than he’d planned.”

Could someone please take this idiot’s phone away from him? fuuuuuuuck!