chocolate covered raisons d'être

It’s an acquired taste. My preference would be ranch dressing but hey....

This confused me as will. They’re saying if a woman is under the influence at all, it’s ok to assault\rape her. Also where do they draw that line? .08 blood alcohol level? Are they now going to give assault victims field sobriety tests before they take a report? That’s insane and disgusting.

Group sex? Yeah. It’s definitely an experience. As for threesomes, I had one opportunity and I turned it down because it had too high a potential to be a negative emotional situation.

No! They’re protecting these misguided kids from making a terrible mistake, can’t you see! The children are being brainwashed by Big Trans Agenda and know not what they’re doing! It just so happens that all this also reaffirms their ignorant bigotry about a subject they obviously have zero understanding of and that

Also on whether trump himself is running. Watching the likes of Cruz, Hawley, Noem already jockeying for position and then trump possibly yanking the rug out from under them? <chef’s kiss>

Oh good Jezeus! All I’ve read is the headline and I may need to drink heavily in hopes of blotting it from my memory. I don’t think I can actually stomach reading this piece.

Absolutely. I’m a live-and-let-live kinda guy. A person’s personal beliefs are their choice. But I’m also a staunch believer in separation of church and state. Noem can have all kinds of fire-and brimstone opinions on Lil Nas X. But she has no business voicing them as an elected official and couching her disapproval

Dunno about any of my atheist sisters and brothers out here, but shit like this is always hilarious to me. Up until a fanatic like Pence or Noem start pushing laws.

I luv that he went with this photo. It captures his true Chet essence.

If they’re trying so hard to rationalize slavery, why not condone sex trafficking, even of children? Just a specific type of slavery, after all.

You damn kids...get offa my means of production!

Sorry to hear thing have been tough for you lately. But you certainly don’t owe me any apologies. I can’t think of anything you’ve written that I would take personally. Have we had a contentious exchange here that I’m not remembering?  As far as I’m concerned, we are and always have been good. Hope whatever

Yeah, the reaction to the second shot was a little rough. Fatigue and general body aches. Seemed like everything from my lower back down just didn’t wanna move. But it only lasted one day.

You know I’m sending you whatever positive vibes, good karma, best wishes and any other warm fuzzy feeling my withered soul can manage to dredge up. You deserve a damn break.

It’s so hard. Sorry for what you and your girl are going through. With the dogs I’ve had, it was a matter of monitoring them and when the time came they seemed in any distress beyond what meds could alleviate...well...time to let them go. Never easy and all you can do is continue to love and comfort her.

Family, right? May they burn in hell. At this stage in my life, most of them are and I pity Satan for having to deal with ‘em.

“Uh-huh, ok, but who has more charisma? Yeah...that’s right. Sit your punk-ass down, Willy.”

Worst. 3 Stooges. Reboot. Ever.

Everyone has their price.

Maybe not just for water. You throw in a granola bar....now we can have a conversation....