chocolate covered raisons d'être

You’re right. Maybe he isn’t racist. Maybe this is a case of he hates Markle because she wouldn’t date him. I’m sure Piers will forgive us all. I hear he’s quite a nice chap.

She actually said in public that Morgan is her friend. Mind-blowing.

For fucks sake....ughhhhhhh!

Props to Fiona for knowing and doing what’s best for her own well-being.

Absolutely. Look at all the GOP bills aimed at limiting voting rights. Not allowing people access to the polls is pretty damn canceling with very real consequences.

A lot of us are going to be taking baby steps back out into the world. It’s gonna be like a massive middle school dance out there. But life goes on. We’ll all find our own courage to get back at it again in our own way. Step one is being able to get out of the house more. That alone is a huge relief. Hang in there.

All these assholes are taking cover under the fiction of preventing voter fraud...a crime that doesn’t happen in anywhere near significant numbers anywhere in the US. Usually when they catch anyone trying to pull off  fraud, it’s a Republican.

It was a different time...

Yep...he had to drag out “cancel culture”. Fuck you, Cuomo.

I have, actually. And yes...like a lot of fantasies, it doesn’t always live up to the hype. Still, when you got a good group of people and the vibe is right, it can be a most entertaining day\evening\weekend.

Getting the shot was a complete fluke. I only got it now because someone else was a no-show and the clinic I go to was scrambling to fill the slot and not waste any vaccine. I didn’t think I’d be getting it till summer.

That’s the objective. Continually stir the shit pot of grievance and victimhood to keep the lumpen angry and distracted so you can keep manipulating them and robbing them blind one way or another.

Oh, yeah. I know you’re right. Just me doing battle with my anxiety yet again. The massive orgy thing sounds like fun, tho...

I’m a week away from getting my second shot and I’m oddly more afraid of getting sick now than I was like 6 months ago. Like it’s so close now, I’m afraid something is bound to fuck it all up.

Let’s see...whose opinions on the military are more likely to be valid? Tucker Carlson or Tammy Duckworth? Man, that’s a real tough call.

I respect you so much I’m going to pretend I never read that sentence.

This...this...you...oh...a galaxy of stars for you, my friend.

No doubt there are way too many people who still believe you get the virus from Chinese food.

People are looking at this all wrong. This could become the hot new trend in reality television. More puppets! Puppet protagonists everywhere. Arguing, drinking, flipping tables, cheating on their human partners. Call me, Cohen!