chocolate covered raisons d'être

tucker stopped being interesting in any possible teeny tiny way when he gave up the bow ties.


They have almost no intellectual firepower left after years upon years of getting away with doing jack shit. They can’t even dredge up all the old conservative tropes of fiscal responsibility or military strength and make them sound credible anymore. They have neither the desire or ability to actually govern a


Typical lib sheeple. Totally distracted by this fluff while the real issues are how Antifa and BLM have castrated Mr. Potatohead and the classic books of Dr. Seuss have been ripped out of our children’s hands! None of this...none!... would’ve happened if Gawd’s Chosen One hadn’t been betrayed by Judas Pence!

Carlson knows he’s gotta turn the vitriol up to 11 every night to desperately hang on to viewers and keep the trump swamp stew boiling. He’s another nonentity hotboxing his own farts on national TV for the delusional lumpen.

Now, someone somehow has to convince these idiots they need to burn these books in protest of some other absurd nonsense outrage.

Jezeus, what a punk-ass man-baby.  Morgan can absolutely go fuck off forever but sadly his like always finds a new forum.

Helluva society we’ve constructed for ourselves, ain’t it?

I realize it’s not his field but you gotta wonder what Professor J. Mark Ramseyer’s views are on the Holocaust and all the “volunteer labor” that was “contracted” in Europe.   

Now THAT would be an awesome spring break bonfire party, baby!

Thought I read not too long ago that Bezos could give every Amazon employee something like $100k and still have like ninetyish billion left. Are the ideas reeeeally that hard to come by, Jeff?

If attention must be payed to the royals, only one needs to be scrutinized: Andrew.

Palm Springs is pretty good.

Yes, as long as you’re sorry. We wouldn’t want an unfortunate misunderstanding to ruin the futures of any promising young men. /s

My older sister finally got in for her first shot yesterday. It does reduce the daily anxiety by a noticeable degree.


Thank you, that’s kind of you to say.

Yeah...me. We had a great relationship for about six years but I was not nearly her equal in any way. For example, she started a business while we were together that became pretty successful within two years. I...uh...did not. By any objective metric, she was out of my league.

I’m apoplectic right now. This legislation is about as big a slam dunk as we’ve seen in years and these fucking clowns are tripping over their big shoes to trash it for...what? Millions of people are desperate for help and a handful of nonentities are claiming an extra hundred bucks a week for maybe a few more months