chocolate covered raisons d'être

Back in prehistoric times when being online meant AOL, CompuServe and local BBSs, I started to chat with a woman about not much at all, really. Just the kind of small talk that I’m terrible at IRL but can do a passable job with hiding behind a keyboard. We talked and flirted for over a year, occasionally one or the

She didn’t open the front door and maybe see where it was? Kinda looked like it was being rehabbed, didn’t it? So somone knows it’s there. Still freaky to think someone could climb into your apt. through your bathroom wall.

I knew it. As soon as Biden utter that word, I knew some GOPer would jump on this as the new “deplorables” bit. Fuck but these assholes are so predictable and boring and exhausting...

We cannot confirm or deny at this time.

In Baldwin’s defense, he’s removed one asshole from Twitter now.

Expressing honor and filial respect towards one’s parents is a beautiful sentiment. And Chao is another corrupt weasel who needs to be in prison.

I see this as Pence attempting to show the base he’s still really one of them despite having “betrayed” trump. A necessary pantomime if he’s thinking about ‘24 (which will probably be meaningless if trump decides to run again).

Jared showing off a fresh haircut:

Where do you get I was blaming her? She undoubtedly had PR people and the like who should’ve been more savvy about what they were getting her into. Letterman  was\is dick and I don’t think anything I said condones his behavior. 

Of course, he was trying to humiliate her. That was part of his shtick. If Hilton’s people thought he was going to go easy on her, she was badly advised. That’s being said, Letterman was (and maybe still is) a douchebag.

Maybe they just like poking Alec with a pointy stick? <shrug>

Uh, hello...that’s Baby Whisperer!

It’s my understanding that the parliamentarian’s call can be overruled by the president of the Senate...if they were inclined to do that. Is that correct?

Now imagine if Beyoncé had bizarrely been guest starring and said the line. Would the cosmos just dissolve? Would civilization be torn asunder as warring factions threw themselves into an Armageddon-like battle that could only conclude with St. Britney descending to bring eternal peace and love?

Yeah, I know there’s various explanations. I guess on a personal level, as a human being, it’s hard to grasp the sheer ugliness of it all sometimes. At my age, I should’ve come to terms with the human condition a long time ago and yet...

I’ve had various facial hair situations since my first straggly- ass ‘stache in HS. My primary goal was to look debonair. That never happened. I held on to that sad delusion till I was about 40 and I finally accepted that I would never be William Powell or Errol Flynn. As I now shave about once every two or three

I am not a good person by any stretch of the imagination. But the depths to which these people will sink to further their disgusting agendas and fleece the lumpen is still often astounding to me. The fact that trump (a person who can’t string together words in an intelligible way or express a coherent thought) is god-k

I appreciate brevity of of expression, though I rarely manage to practice it myself.  Holland Taylor nailed it for anyone who has ever been in love.

Norms and traditions...restored.

This is just fucking cool.