chocolate covered raisons d'être

I’m an old. I dunno games or gamers or streaming. But Montgomery’s dissection was everything. She wielded a verbal katana and eviscerated and it is a thing of beauty. Sadly, a small, brief victory but still music to the ears.

I try not to go there but damn....it’s hard.

AOC’s takedown of Cruz was a bullseye. Cruz in his clumsy blobfish manner is gearing up for ‘24. Trying to score some faux “statesman reaching across the aisle to our bitterest enemy for the common good” points. Fuck him. His lame-ass pantomime was so obvious, only Greenwald and Dore can’t see it. Cruz don’t give a

Maybe Greenwald didn’t start off a smug hack but he sure as hell is one now.

The fascists bleating about unity and healing and all the same old tiresome cant.

Cool. I’ll check it out. Tanks :)

If we’re lucky, all these fuckers will start spontaneously combusting.

Satan is too savvy to fuck with these goobers. Their souls have less value than a sheet of expired Micky D’s coupons.

You can’t even claim to be a Republican at this point without chronic butthurt.

May be a bad story but it’s a potential platinum record.

Great, now we’ll get a candle that smells like Woodley’s asshole. Also, isn’t eating dirt or clay or whatever an actual psychological condition?

Can’t wait for Poot to implement new emission standards.

Ya keep yer head warm, ya keep yer feet warm, yer good ta go.

Of course, the media is lapping this shit up too. All weekend, there were questions about unity and the process of governing with the fascist goobers whining about how Joe is betraying his promise. Motherfuckers, this is about people’s ability to survive right now. No one cares about your hurt sensibilities, you

I’d like to believe Biden met with the fascists knowing they’d bring some weak-ass proposal to him. Then he can reject it, push through his bill and go to the pubic to declare that he tried working with the GOP but their plan was nowhere near enough to help Americans in this time of multiple crises and they refused to

Well, then yes, apparently we are done here. I do identify as male and one who has been in the BDSM lifestye for 25+ years. It’s a community where I’ve met wonderful, intelligent, thoughtful, caring people of all identities and orientations and despite your strident accusations, the horrible abuse you’re alleging

Holy shit...holy shit....

So you’re ok with dominant women? You don’t think a woman has the capacity to abuse  someone she has control over?

So what you’re saying is a woman who wants to engage in BDSM activities really has no agency to make those choices for herself, that she’s been brainwashed to believe that’s what she wants. Aren’t you viewing all those women as “just victims”? You really feel that they have no capacity to make informed choices?

The lion looks like the lead in an ‘80s cop movie getting ready for the sex scene before he goes and plays by his own rules.