chocolate covered raisons d'être

I know what you’re saying. Not wrong at all. But OP says they’ve been together a year and a half. That’s a fair chunk of time. We can’t say for sure how committed they are to each other but they’re living together now. And if this depression he’s going through is situational, will it fade if and when things ease back

I read on Reddit chicks like that.


OMFG! The cop matter-of-factly telling a 9 yo she’s going to get pepper sprayed in the eyeballs? How the fuck did you think that was going to de-escalate the situation? She’s handcuffed in the back of a cruiser surrounded by armed adults. SHE’S FUCKING 9!

He’s another GOP lukewarm creme of mayo soup in a suit. Self-important non-entity.

EVR? Dafuq? ERW obviously. My brain is bad today.

Yeah, true enough. I think Brandy generates a lot of comments to her articles with advice that seems a tad...I dunno...glib?

Omg, I have this discussion with my sister constantly. PLEASE stop opening mystery emails! Stop thinking “unsubscribe” will save you. Just delete that shit, please! Maybe if she reads this blog, she’ll finally get it.

Yes, please let’s not let this discussion devolve into kink-shaming. Manson is not a BDSM practioner of any kind. He’s a violent abusive whackjob. Period. EVR was not an informed, consenting partner, she was the victim of multiple crimes. There is no blurred line here.

Oh for sure. Again, is depression a long-term issues he deals with and is she constanly trying to be supportive without him doing the work for himself? Or is this a situational rough patch he’s going through? If the shoe were on the other foot and she was struggling, can she say he’d be there for her? I don’t think we

I guess what isn’t clear is does BF have a history of depression? The OP made it sound like this was new development but it’s not obvious to me at least. If this is in response to the state of the world now, Brandy’s advice seems pretty right. We’re all struggling with our coping strategies. Though any kind of long

It’s funny that everyone thinks David Lynch actually exists.

My sister is in her seventies and has had reactions to other vaccines. Can’t get flu shots though somehow she was ok with pneumonia. Seems weird but hey the human body is a mysterious machine, right? Anyway, her doctor is on the fence about this one. He’s trying to get more info and opinions from colleagues. Hope she

Ew. The mental picture. Ew.

We want Rudy!

Fuck, sometimes it feels like we’re descending into a new Dark Ages-like period. Hope the tree moss and leeches protect you from Covid-19!

You guys. It’s fine. McCarthy is going to talk to her...someday...maybe...about something or other...and then...ya know...unity!

Not sure if it was the same doc but yeah....saw one, too. It was hard to watch, for sure.

Any word if Kanye is scoping out real estate in Guyana?

He’s not on right now! But here’s his sub: