chocolate covered raisons d'être

I only do tech subreddits and my city one. Though I do enjoy cruising through the live streams. You can catch some talented musicians and artists doing their thing. And the occasional weird gem like the dude who dresses up as a gecko and does a call-in advice show.

Sad she didn’t sing Peanut Butter Jelly Time while dressed as the banana.

This headline made me laugh. You savage, Harron.

The sooner you teach ‘em to scrape barnacles off your hull, the better.

Always glad to have another reason to ignore Louise Linton.

Oh, mine is a simple tale as old as time. At my first job, I found I was able to do a pretty spot-on impression of the general manager. Many a time, I regaled co-workers with my act, which included his gait and mannerisms. You know where this is headed, right? Yep. One afternoon, I was entertaining the troops when

Her voice at this stage of her life\career is just right for it.

Because “SOCIALISM™”

My sister had a similar situation. Her employer’s insurance was crap, she manged to get her own and tried to opt out of the company plan and they told her there was no way she could do that unless she dropped down to a part-time employee. Oh yeah, they didn’t have part-time positions even if she wanted to do that.

Yep, I’d totally buy an album of punk\grunge\alt covers by Miley.

I have two family members with public-facing jobs that have faced multiple covid scares over coworkers being positive but then not being able to quarantine because their employers refused to shut down and no government financial support to backstop them. trump should be charged with 435+K cases of manslaughter and

First off: yeah fuck these hedge fund bastids. If they’re getting screwed at their own game for once, boo-hoo for them. Free market, right, muthafuckers?

Besides creeping on teenagers, what does a Scott Disick do exactly? Is his career being Kardashian-adjacent?

I’m sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. It didn’t mean anything. It was only that one time.

Like many of us, I hate the Conway adults with all the passion I can muster. That being said, this family needs serious help and making it a public spectacle on social media is only making it worse. Hoping for the kids’ sake they get that help.

100% with you. But she ain’t going away and she ain’t gonna shut up. She’s all in on playing the “patriotic martyr”. She needs to be shown as a rabble rousing traitor.  She needs to face whatever consequences can be brought to bear for her insane babbling.

If it is a losing strategy, it’s by a waaaay too thin margin.

This woman is a raving lunatic and she probably thinks she’s becoming the Joan of Arc for the QAnon lumpen. We’re in deep shit if she’s right.

It’s fear of losing the rabid base that’s been radicalized for many years before trump came along. trump has just been added accelerant these past years but the fire has been burning for a long time. This country is a lot more fucked up than many people realize.

She got eated by a bear. RIP Taylor.