chocolate covered raisons d'être

Everyone needs to learn the skills. But you don’t do it by throwing the kid off into the deep end without direction. You’re not just teaching the skills, you’re teaching self-worth and self-confidence. You understand that. It comes through when you post about your tiny human. I woulda done anything to have a mom like

Still, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer etc. should be screaming from the rooftops over this AND tying it to the relief clusterfuck ahead of tomorrow’s GA. runoff.

If Trump isn’t taken out the White House in handcuffs after this...dunno, man....fuck this whole system.

When I was about eleven, my mother announced that henceforth she would no longer do my laundry. I would be responsible for my own clothing.. Bit of a problem, though. She gave me no instructions and oh yeah...the building we lived in at the time didn’t have a fucking laundry room. The laundromat was about fours blocks

I ain’t no watcha call pro-fessional parent, but seems ta me....if yer youngin can’t cypher out how ta use a can opener in like...I dunno...five er ten minutes, perhaps a lil bit of instruction might be a more helpful way of teachin’ a skill. But hell....maybe that kinda child-rearin’ would put us on the path ta

When Billy Baldwin wants to opine on any subject, it should be treasured as a glorious gift to humanity.

So, Trump was asking Raffensperger to do him a favor. Sounds familiar....

Cruz is afraid he lost a step to Hawley in trying to wrangle the lumpen Trump supporters in the scramble for ‘24. Cruz knows the election fraud story is all bullshit but he’s playing the game up to get out in front of the pack of jackals.

My current desktop:

Remember the blobfish.

I have a vague plan to do a cross country road trip. We’ll have to see how the pandemic\vaccination situation plays out. Wouldn’t mind going in the fall so who knows?

Nobody is more toxic than you, you ancient poisonous turtle. You’re lucky they didn’t burn your fucking house down.

Seriously. The main thing for a parent is to teach and model is basic human decency. Beyond that, trying to change your kid from who they are is needless and pretty much hopeless conflict.

Amen to all the above.

I envy you. Too often I’ve let fear and anxiety dictate and let opportunities slip past even when I knew they would probably be good experiences. For years, I talked about how I wanted to travel by train and see the capitals of Europe...all the while making a hundred excuses about why I couldn’t. The only real reason

That sounds amazing.

Many years ago, in a life far, far away....

Eh, that may be location specific. I got one about 3 blocks away from my house and the donuts have always been good. As far as the coffee...it all tastes the same to me.

Can I wish you a hopefully better New Years? Most everyone has gone through so much shit this year, it almost feels like offering best wishes can be construed as mockery. We got a loooong way to go but it’s gotta get better. Right?

Brandy, you’re going to continue writing here, yeah? Whether I wind up agreeing or not with your answers, it usually interesting and entertaining. So hope you stick around in ‘21.