chocolate covered raisons d'être

Boom! Nailed it. Wish I could give more stars but the aliens won’t let go of them.

And more Hilaria ensues.

My theory is Trump wants the 230 thing taken down so when mean people say mean things about him on social media, he can sue the companies where the real money is. Beyond that, as usual, he doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about nor does he care.

He’s one of those actors who, when you see his name pop up, you go “Oh Jack Black is in this. Cool.” . He can be a bit much sometimes but he definitely has a goofy, warm charm on screen.

Complex, huh? Intimidating, eh? Sounds like she...what?...didn’t know her place as a patient? This black woman physician was...angry...about the “care” she was receiving? Was her whole attitude...uppity...towards her attending doctor?

I mean...is Spain even a real place, after all? Isn’t it more a state of mind?

Google it. See what happens.

Never forget.

500 Days Of Hilaria Baldwin.

No sour grapes from me about that, yo.

Good lord! Let’s hope not.

The long national nightmare is over. At least until she starts showing up in Hallmark movies again.

And this is the group that has to sit at the lunchroom table in the back corner.

Ya know, Trump could’ve done a biiiig bill signing extravaganza on Xmas day, gifting us peasants with manna from Mar-a-Lago and he still coulda done his monkeydance tantrum about all the things he hated in the bill. But nooooooo! Wait till you totally fuck everyone over. It’ll be interesting to see if he still keeps

Oh you motherfucker! So he waited and had one of his thirsty tantrums for days and let shit expire....and then signed the fucking bill and now will make people jump through all the bullshit hoops ahhhhhgain to try and get help.

Until Stephen Baldwin weighs in on this kerfuffle, how are any of us able to make heads or tails of it all?

What the fuck do you even say anymore? Trump absolutely deserves the Mussolini “transition”.

Well now see? Harron did you a huge solid here. You weren’t familiar with this deep introspective young man and his totally original thought process. But he’s challenged all your mundane notions of what’s happening in the world and your eyes are now opened to a fresh take on reality. Mind blown, consciousness raised,

Second the walks idea. Even if it’s just around the block to blow off some of the cobwebs. I had a couple of stretches where I had a hard time remembering how many days in a row I’d been inside. Past 3 or 4 and they melt into a time blob. Then it’s like...fuck it! I gotta get outta here!

All of it just gorgeous.