chocolate covered raisons d'être

A casserole of rose petals and uniqueness? This is peak Drew.

QAnon? It’s pronounced “What-the-fuck-are you-people-talking-about-did-you-all-fall-off-roofs-onto-your-heads?!” There may be some regional variations in pronunciation.

Right? It feels soooooo gooooooood......

I’m a uniter, not a divider. But yeah, there could be long time effects with the vaccine, just like any other drug. But we already know many are going to be dealing with lifetime effects from CoVID-19. If the vaccine can spare people from that...and ya know....dying....I’ll bet on the vaccine thank you very much.

Could you let the guy go to the bathroom?!?! Seriously, glad Biden values an expert like Fauci unlike *some* presidents we know.

Well, you’ve completely changed my mind with your random anecdotal second- hand testimony, internet stranger. But you’re a little off course. Facebook is that way ---------->

All Trump ever cares to know about anything is that it’s about him. Even if it’s negative so he can whine about how unfairly he’s being treated.

Yeah, sounds more like a resume than any kind of accusations.

You know what I would not like to put in my body? COVID-19. Unless there is actual, verifiable, proven negative side effects, I’m getting the vaccine ASAP. “Asking questions” should mean being interested in obtaining factual answers. Not gaslighting bullshit to reinforce your preconceived conspiracy theories.

Surprised she wasn’t claiming the Dominion machines were injecting fluoride into everyone’s pets to turn then into Venezuelan assassins sent to kill GOP voters. ‘Course I didn’t see her entire performance, so.... 

Hey! Barron is so good, some say the best, at the cyber. That makes him an essential worker!

There is no evidence of any fraud, like, anywhere! Why the fuck would you even let Rudy G’s Flying Circus through the goddamn door? It’s a month after the election, there’s zero evidence, judges are kicking these idiots out of court daily, states have recounted and certified...enough! Tens of thousands of people are si

The ol’ “It was a joke!” story. This guy’s stand-up routine ain’t worth the two-drink minimum. But seriously folks...this guy needs to be prosecuted! And what’s the deal with fascist voter fraud schemes, amirite? Heyooooo!

The thing about Dolly you got to admire is throughout her illustrious career , she took grief about her looks and style and you know a lot of it had to hurt...but she kept on being Dolly. She kept singin’ and smilin’. For decades. And she’s still going! She’s still standing being who she is. Fan or not, you got to

If I got that kind of love from Ms. Leslie Jones, whew...my damn head would explode. I need to shop for a new backsplash....hell....maybe a whole new kitchen!

Sir! How dare you! You don’t find her alabaster throat swan-like in its gracefulness? Obviously, you are no feminist, sir! Kayleigh McEnany and Kellyanne Conway would like to educate you about empowerment!

Jezeus...look at the dead-eyed grimace in that photo. Horrifying.

Oh good. Chocolate covered raisons d’être tofu. Sounds....yummy. Thanks? :)

Kermit Mnuchin really tried to “Well, actually...Katie Porter? That is fuckin’ hilarious.

Ha! Beat ya by a decade! <sobbing>