chocolate covered raisons d'être

We all understand how it works. Rich\famous\powerful have the access to resourses us plebs don’t get. But you fuckers can’t even scrape up the basic decency to not rub your exalted positions in our faces during a worldwide health crisis. You’re lives are oh-so-fabulous and during normal times we could roll our eyes

That show as so good.

As I recall, aren’t chunks of the “big, beautiful wall” already falling apart? But hey Trump never promised it would be an actual functional wall. Kinda like his shitty buildings. And could someone remind us....how much has Mexico paid for, wall-wise?

It’s some kind of Jello mold monstrosity. I don’t recall ever having this mutation exactly. I grabbed the pic for dramatic effect but we always had some kind of Jello mold blob full of fruits scraps and soggy marshmallows and...I dunno...birdseed, eggshells, abandoned hopes and dreams. It was always terrible, no

The struggle is real.

As Trump continues to babble lies about election fraud and the massive conspiracy to steal the election. He really should be hanged from a scaffold on the National Mall.

Always people here ready to listen.

Did you say....caramel apple cheesecake?

Horrible, absolutely horrible. Please take the best care of yourself. Do you have any kind of support...family and\or friends? It sounds like you know you made the right decision but his relentless gaslighting took a heavy toll. The smart people here will have solid advice, no doubt. My heart goes out to you and hope

Oh great. Hope everything comes back negative. Maybe drop off a flaming bag of dogshit at the tutor’s door.

That’s a great idea. Thanks!

Wow....it’s so beautiful. Very happy for you living your dream :)

Hmmm....what’s missing here? Oh yes:

It was fine. You can’t have a holiday rom-com without a happy ending. It’s in the Constitution somewhere. That being said, if some ain’t writing a script for Stewart and Plaza...well...I just don’t know what.

Going to the movies alone is wonderful. An afternoon matinee in the middle of the week was a mini-vacation.

There was alway a recitation of my mother’s numerous holiday dinner disasters years after her death.

Every holiday dinner with my family was a high-octane psycho-drama. That’s just how we rolled.

it’s a beauty mask! for manly men! in eucalyptus! and stop looking in my window!

yer a green clown nose

Harron is like an onion. And an onion has layers.....