chocolate covered raisons d'être

Yeah, why is it people think seeing someone reading in public means they actually want to talk? Hello! I’m reading here! This is not a group activity! KTHNX Buh bye!

Plus like the Constitution is another tablet of commandments. And that every individual’s rights are absolute with no regard for the rights of the person next to you who might not agree or be negatively impacted by your exercise. Rights and responsibilities are connected no matter how inconvenient that is for

So does this decision mean that a governing body has no say in a public health crisis? How about hurricanes, floods, terrorist attacks? Is this SCOTUS codifying the Bannon philosophy of “Burn it all down!”? Why not just have The Purge all day, every day?

Holy shit, Harron. I think we’re related. Hope Catherine didn’t buy us shitty scarves from that weird Etsy person again this year.....

Yeah, maybe some of that tired ol’ bullshit is falling by the wayside a bit. And once again, men never had to deal very much with that nonsense the way women have. I never felt weird about eating\drinking by myself anywhere and I struggle with a significant amount of social anxiety on top of it.

OT: Any plans for a Thanksgiving Night Social here? With the weirdness about limited gatherings and all, might be nice to find some community here for some of us. Just a thought....

+1 For toast dinner. When I feel especially decadent, those crispy slices of comfort get slathered in grape jelly :)

Don’t forget Raniere. This project needs the A-Team, yo!

We’re Americans. We take other people’s shit. That’s who we are.

Marvin Bon Jovi

Now wouldn’t that be delightful?

And Trump will only bill the govenment $100K a month.

I wish to join your winter league.

I can tell ya what it ain’t. It ain’t no bagel hockey like real mens play, that’s for damn sure!

Fair and accurate. We can keep workshopping this.

Gah! Shound be all caps and bigger font.

New scam: “Trump Feminist Self-Help Empowerment Seminar Camp School! Now With More Architecture For Better Architecting!”

Hey, whatever man. Enjoy your truck. With all the money I piss away on electronics, I can’t fling gravel through anyone’s windshield.

I see her :)

We can’t be bothered by no fake disease! We gotta make sure our Orange God-King remains on his throne so he can save all the children from being sold into sex slavery by Wayfair! Won’t someone please think of Trump?1?1