chocolate covered raisons d'être

“’Scuse me? What? What did you say? No...you said sumptin’ ‘bout dolphins! Say it! Say it to my face! Say it again!!!”

His presidential library will be cardboard boxes full of his shitty books left out in the rain in front of an empty strip mall storefront.

I mean...does Daddy even think she’s still hot?

Damn, I haven’t had shrimp cocktail in about forever.

I’m certainly having a very positive meat response to the picture up top. Nom!

No, Emily. You stay there. Otherwise they may be tempted to make “Emily In Denver” or “Emily In Punta Gorda” or some shit. Enjoy your baguettes.

Anonymous whistleblower? Great. Still gotta have the evidence to back up your charges. Putting on an alleged source, anonymous or not, without verifying their claims first is irresponsible no matter who you are (even for hucksters like Ingraham, Hannity, Carlson etc. who are not journalists).

Interesting. Very post-neo-primativist. The more one gazes upon this piece, the more one feels a resonance in one’s ancient soul. As one does with the Lascaux cave paintings, for example. It’s a style so very simple yet nuanced and complex. It also brings to mind a recent piece I saw right outside my home. It’s

71 million lumpen voted for him. 70% of Republicans believe the election wasn’t free and fair. You’re right, there’s no reason to concede. He’s got a good con going. 

Yeah, it looks like all the legal challenges are collapsing into dust. I just fret because Trump is so unstable on a good day. This is a huge public humiliation for him and you wonder what lengths he would go to because of that. EC fuckery is probably a more realistic thing to worry about at this point.

Those people are super patriots and will all be getting Presidential Freedom Medals! MAGA!

It’s the Mark Of The Trump.

So the question is: Is this the “investigation” where the fascists finally go that extra mile and fabricate evidence? This is for the whole game after all and Trump has got every reason to try and delay his post-presidency reckoning. Does he go for it or does someone finally reign him in?

I’m thinking McConnell is only publicly going along with this lunacy as a way to keep the lumpen Trumpers in Georgia agitated through the runoffs in January so he gets at least one seat out of it. Beyond that, it’s doubtful McConnell has any more use for Trump.

In my dreams, I see Fauci retiring from gov’t service....and becoming a consultant to Biden’s team.

No chiropractors? Seems sketchy. We better just let the virus continue to run rampant. For the herd mentality.

Oh yeah. McConnell is the poisonous turtle we can’t get rid of. Biden and his team better be brainstorming about how to work around that asshole.

I think Biden and Harris should just do what they can right now which I imagine is being out in the media pushing masks, distancing, hand washing. While also reminding people that they will be ready on day one to implement all the measures at their disposal. Yeah, it sucks there’s a two-month gap but people need to be

I had no doubt the orange mutant baboon would obstruct the transition. Why wouldn’t he? That would be admitting he’s a loser just like his father always knew he was. We already know he doesn’t give a fuck about the country or the citizens. If he can make it as hard as possible for Biden to get up and running, he can

Fair enough. Look, there’s a reason I picked Rust Cohle for my avatar here. His explanation of his philosophy in the first episode of True Detective is about as close and concise as I’ve heard to what I believe. And just like Marty says “That sounds god-fucking-awful, Rust.” Maybe it is. We all pick a system that gets